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  • Cena%s's Photo
  • Steve%s's Photo
    What the fuck?
  • Phatage%s's Photo
    I really wish you good luck on this. SolidWorks really isn't meant to do stuff like this so it would be great to see you be able to make it work. About the layout spline, was that made in SolidWorks or something else?
  • gir%s's Photo
    Well, I'm not sure why you want to use SolidWorks for the whole thing. I would think it would be better for modelling just the trains or something like that. I haven't used SW since high school though, so who knows? Good luck!
  • Top Gun%s's Photo
    How realistic are you going for here? I imagine you know that the loop is not shaped properly.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    ^tear shaped ftw

    but, uh... good work.
  • Rct-Freaky%s's Photo
    Thats really nice! I know it's really hard to make that in solidworks, I use the program too. Good luck with the rest of the coaster.
  • Phatage%s's Photo
    I think it looks nice. Definitely use a lot of time to learn what you can and cannot do with this method of building. The next step though will require you to cut ties with the RCT method of designing a coaster with set pieces but rather you will design the spline in one continuous motion; things like a realistic ellipsoid loop become much easier to make that way. For the moment though, if you're not already, take the time to be rigorous and go about making the process mostly automated rather than having to start from scratch each time. This comes to mind:

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