Custom Scenery Exchange / Animated Jack-O-Lantern

  • render8%s's Photo
    Moved to my scenery thread.
  • trav%s's Photo
    That actually looks pretty clean!

    However, I can't really see many uses for it apart from Hallowe'en parks. If you want to make objects that would be more popular, try to make objects that could be used for numerous themes. You seem like you'd be able to do some pretty clean looking objects so I look forward to seeing some other things from you.
  • lucas92%s's Photo
    Looks pretty good considering the limited colors of the game. ;)
  • render8%s's Photo
    Thanks trav, and you're definitely right, probably not going to be very popular. I think I just got kind of excited as this was my first proper attempt at making something for RCT2 that was custom. When I made up my mind to do custom objects for RCT2 recently, I wanted to make sure that if I made something, I wanted it to look like something that would actually come included with the game. I don't know if I succeeded or not, but I guess that's where the practice comes into play.

    I'll definitely take your advice and have a look around and try to scope out what people want more of though. Thanks again!
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    one thing that's always needed is new types of roofs.
    If you think you could get quarter tile roofs that look like this
    and could be colored in a few different realistic ways
    that'd be INCREDIBLE!

    As of right now the only option to get that orange-ish roof color is to actually use orange which looks ridiculously bad or dark red which is also not exactly perfect. So maybe you could try that.
    make it go at a 45° angle or so...
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    I like it, but as trav said, it's very limited use. Something I think would be cool is a quarter tile cat-tail object.
  • render8%s's Photo
    What a pretty cool idea to try Fisch. I never put much thought into doing roofs, but it definitely sounds like a fun challenge. Those are some pretty nice references too, so maybe I can save them for later and take a stab at some stuff like that.
  • render8%s's Photo

    I like it, but as trav said, it's very limited use. Something I think would be cool is a quarter tile cat-tail object.

    Hopefully this don't come off as a dumb question, but what is a cat-tail? Sorry for sounding stupid. :/
  • trav%s's Photo
    Posted Image

  • Fisch%s's Photo
    would be great because new roofs that are of high quality are always needed and I'm sure you'd find them in a bunch of parks by random people immidiately. :p (including myself for sure)

    Generally speaking we mostly need objects that can be used for multiple nothing too specific really unless anyone requests it. Specific objects would be amazing if the game didn't have limitations when selecting objects for the scenario in the editor...over the years so many objects have been made that everyone finds it really hard to pick just 252. So stuff like roofs, wall decor, or other things are your best bet for making people love your work :) - again...unless somebody requests something. :p


    by the way, I'm guessing render8 is hipster language for "rendering aid"? :D
  • render8%s's Photo
    LOL, sorry, now I feel real dumb. When i saw cat-tail I was thinking of plants like this...cattails
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    I'm guessing you were actually right with the plant render :D
  • trav%s's Photo
    Haha probably. I call them Reeds, not cat tails.
  • render8%s's Photo

    would be great because new roofs that are of high quality are always needed and I'm sure you'd find them in a bunch of parks by random people immidiately. :p (including myself for sure)

    Generally speaking we mostly need objects that can be used for multiple nothing too specific really unless anyone requests it. Specific objects would be amazing if the game didn't have limitations when selecting objects for the scenario in the editor...over the years so many objects have been made that everyone finds it really hard to pick just 252. So stuff like roofs, wall decor, or other things are your best bet for making people love your work :) - again...unless somebody requests something. :p


    by the way, I'm guessing render8 is hipster language for "rendering aid"? :D

    Ahhh, well now I'm getting a better idea of where to set my sights here. Thanks for giving me stuff to think about. Oh, Render8 is just a name I came up with since I have a passion for 3D designing and rendering things. Just a random thing I suppose. :)
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    Sorry, should've posted a picture to avoid confusion. I was talking about the plant.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Two things to keep in mind:
    - people prefer objects that match the RCT graphics. For some 'wrong' examples, see this park. Very good park, but some objects look shitty. You can tell which objects are not from the game and which are, or at least which custom objects use default textures. Most 'shitty' objects are prefab objects by the way; objects that resemble something like an airconditioning unit, while most people prefer their own using exiting scenery. Useful scenery is scenery that can be used for multiple purposes.
    - the pumpkins are huge compared to peeps. Scale is important as well. :)
  • render8%s's Photo

    Sorry, should've posted a picture to avoid confusion. I was talking about the plant.

    It's cool, and actually I have been thinking of trying to make some garden objects as well, so that may give me an excuse to try out something like that, if you really think it would be of use. So many ideas, and what seems to be such little time. :p
  • render8%s's Photo

    Two things to keep in mind:
    - people prefer objects that match the RCT graphics. For some 'wrong' examples, see this park. Very good park, but some objects look shitty. You can tell which objects are not from the game and which are, or at least which custom objects use default textures. Most 'shitty' objects are prefab objects by the way; objects that resemble something like an airconditioning unit, while most people prefer their own using exiting scenery. Useful scenery is scenery that can be used for multiple purposes.
    - the pumpkins are huge compared to peeps. Scale is important as well. :)

    I totally agree with you. I want to avoid that whole out of place look and I'm sure I'm going to have my share of headaches along the way. As for the scale of the pumpkins, I 100% agree it's not very realistic. I was just afraid if I made them too small, then there would go all the detail and effect of the glowing. It was a hard choice to make but I think for future projects, I will make it point to stick to more proper scaling. I'm setting standards for myself and I don't want to release crap that no one will want to use. Thanks so much for the response on that.
  • olddtfan51%s's Photo
    Its a very nice object I had alot of Halloween themed parks that I added it to. :mantis:
  • render8%s's Photo
    Glad to hear you like it olddtfan51. I would love to know how it works out for anyone that may use this. I did a little testing of it, but if there was anything I may have overlooked that caused troubles using it, please let me know so I can try and avoid mistakes in the future. I'm still pretty new to this whole custom scenery thing, so I still have a lot to learn.


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