Custom Scenery Exchange / Animated Jack-O-Lantern

  • Jonny93%s's Photo
    You are very talented in making new cso. Like other said a bit more rct-like graphic would be fine. I am excited for your work!
  • render8%s's Photo
    Thank you, though I am not sure if I would say I'm a pro modeler or extremely talented, but I guess the best I can do is try to do nice stuff and hope for the best lol. Only thing I'm trying to get used to is RCT2 limited color palette which after doing some experiments aside from this pumpkin, I've realised can put a headache on things. Sometimes objects look good, other times the color downgrade makes what I would think looks nice, look like utter crap. I think the thing I'm going to have a hard time with right now is trying to figure out where to start. I have hundreds of ideas pushing through my mind at the same time, it's a bit overwhelming what to stick to first.

    I've got a long ways to go yet, but at least I know I can get this working, so now it's on to coming up with stuff that people will actually WANT to use, myself included. :)
  • trav%s's Photo
    I think the best thing about this is how enthusiastic you seem to be.
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    honestly PLEASE start with the roofs first. :D
    pumpkins and such are really sweet and need some great modelling skill but roofs are so much more useful.

    can't wait to see them.
  • render8%s's Photo

    honestly PLEASE start with the roofs first. :D
    pumpkins and such are really sweet and need some great modelling skill but roofs are so much more useful.

    can't wait to see them.

    Well, you definitely have a good point. I guess all that effort to make objects won't be as rewarding if they're not much use to anyone. I may do some small ornamental stuff for myself from time to time, but I think right now, I'm going to set my sights on some roof and wall type of stuff. I do think roofing is going to be a little more tricky as it seems you need more precision than little objects like this, just to make sure everything fits just right. Well, I'll see what I can come up with. Still got more experimenting to do. :)
  • Corkscrewy%s's Photo
    I would have to agree that I would looooooove to see new coaster trains!! I'm not exactly sure what at the moment as there aren't that many different ones out there that aren't specific to a certain ride. Though seeing proper dive machine trains with 8 across and no floors would be cool. Or the new B&M hyper/giga trains or the new Intamin trains like on Skyrush. Just a few suggestions, or if you're even up to the task of doing something that takes many many different animations and hell.. I don't even know what else. haha Thats why I leave it up to the talented folk such as yourself.



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