Custom Scenery Exchange / Just need some opinions on releasing custom stuff

  • render8%s's Photo
    Hey all, sorry for posting this with nothing to release here, but there is something I got around to thinking about today and wanted to get some feedback on this. Would it be better for me to keep one topic for all my single released objects or should I continue starting a new topic for each thing I release?

    Also, would people prefer for me to wait until I have a larger sum of objects to release at a time vs. the whole releasing each object one at a time.

    I only ask because I didn't want to flood this board with thread after thread burying everything else over time. I'm not sure how fast I can get stuff done at this stage, but I'm getting a little more comfortable with doing this stuff as I go on, so I just didn't want to be annoying with constantly staring a new topic each time, unless people like that idea of releasing them one at a time.

    Just thought I'd like to ask.
  • Corkscrewy%s's Photo
    honestly.. I think having one single thread for all of your work is the best bet. mainly because it keeps it more organized and you seem to be able to pump out quality work fairly fast. so once you get a bunch of objects made put them all in one park and release the park that would be amazing to me. Main thing is to get feedback from as many ppl as you can get to get a feel of what type of objects are most needed/wanted. so.. carry on man :)
  • posix%s's Photo
    I agree one topic is better. Waiting until you have a lot or posting individually will depend on how good your objects are and how soon people want their fingers on them accordingly ;)


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