Custom Scenery Exchange / Shops and Stalls

  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    Make it a box of Marlboro reds, partially unwrapped, opened, with one cigarette sticking out.

    And I do not even smoke.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    render8, quick word of advice - "Kevin Enns" is what you might call a "not self-aware troll" ;P
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
  • RRP%s's Photo
    Is there anyway to make shops operate differently.
    Que line,multi tile with seating maybe?
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    ^so basically a ride that functions like a shop? that would be sick.

    I wouldn't mind things like minimalist prize stalls or racks of souvenir items. Basically like an invisible shop, but with a couple shelfs of product, or fridges, or food stuff, behind it. I know there's some creativity in designing your own stuff but there's only so small and detailed you can go. It would be nice to have a go-to prize stall I could use instead of stacking 1k racks and silly multicolored objects again and again.
  • RRP%s's Photo
    yea something like the information stand shop edited to just be a a set of racks/shelves/table would be great
  • Super G%s's Photo
    And if it isn't possible just make a 3x3 attractions with a couple of tables. Hack away the underground, theme it and you have a working seating place. That would be awesome and it adds to realism too.


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