Custom Scenery Exchange / Red sand landblocks

  • Dimi%s's Photo
    Hi, I'm looking for a 1/4 landblock in the red sand texture (left) in the shape shown on the right.

    Posted Image

    The set of objects is made by Six Frags, but I'm missing this one piece. I have SFRDLB1.dat, SFRDLB3.dat and SFRDLB4.dat, so I guess the object I'm looking for is probably called SFRDLB2.dat.

    Thanks in advance!
  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    Cena created some too. If you downloaded Atlantis Resort or Pixar Animation Studios then you should have them.
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    I made a set as well:

    Attached File  KNGBBRC1.DAT (2.91KB)
    downloads: 7
    Attached File  KNGBBRC2.DAT (2.37KB)
    downloads: 8
    Attached File  KNGBBRC3.DAT (2.61KB)
    downloads: 7
    Attached File  KNGBBRC4.DAT (1.5KB)
    downloads: 7
    Attached File  KNGBBRC5.DAT (2.03KB)
    downloads: 7

    These are part of my "Ultimate" landblock set which includes every land type. They're also 'seamless'
    so you don't see the lines between the blocks.

    Looks like my "Ultimate" bench is gonna be released piece by piece now :p

  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    PM answered ;)
  • Dimi%s's Photo
    Thanks for the quick answers everyone! :D
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo

    I made a set as well:

    Attached File  KNGBBRC1.DAT (2.91KB)
    downloads: 7
    Attached File  KNGBBRC2.DAT (2.37KB)
    downloads: 8
    Attached File  KNGBBRC3.DAT (2.61KB)
    downloads: 7
    Attached File  KNGBBRC4.DAT (1.5KB)
    downloads: 7
    Attached File  KNGBBRC5.DAT (2.03KB)
    downloads: 7

    These are part of my "Ultimate" landblock set which includes every land type. They're also 'seamless'
    so you don't see the lines between the blocks.

    Looks like my "Ultimate" bench is gonna be released piece by piece now :p


    can't wait for your wb
  • Six Frags%s's Photo

    I made a set as well:

    Attached File  KNGBBRC1.DAT (2.91KB)
    downloads: 7
    Attached File  KNGBBRC2.DAT (2.37KB)
    downloads: 8
    Attached File  KNGBBRC3.DAT (2.61KB)
    downloads: 7
    Attached File  KNGBBRC4.DAT (1.5KB)
    downloads: 7
    Attached File  KNGBBRC5.DAT (2.03KB)
    downloads: 7

    These are part of my "Ultimate" landblock set which includes every land type. They're also 'seamless'
    so you don't see the lines between the blocks.

    Looks like my "Ultimate" bench is gonna be released piece by piece now :p


    Nice job, K0NG. With "Ultimate" bench you mean like all your scenery tabs? Because with all 1/4 landblock types in a .sv6 you have like almost all small scenery slots used.

    Btw, I also gave the workbench thing a thought, and it's very hard to get a good bench, mostly because everyone uses different types of objects and every project requires more specific objects matching the theme of the project. Therefore I think a more general workbench project is great, with all objects that are used by NE divided in their correct tabs and keep it an ongoing project. Like for my own workbench project I'm at v3 for some tabs, as new good scenery is being released and I'm sure after H2H I need to make some adjustments as well as there will be more scenery created which could be used in the future.

    I know Gee started such a thing a while back but seeing he's not active anymore, maybe we can make it a general NE project, where we could create a more community based workbench project where all good objects will be in tabs and a very general .sv6 bench is available and being updated once in a while with new versions of the tabs.

    Sorry for rambling on, but I think it could be a great idea and starting point for some people.
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Nice job, K0NG. With "Ultimate" bench you mean like all your scenery tabs? Because with all 1/4 landblock types in a .sv6 you have like almost all small scenery slots used.

    Btw, I also gave the workbench thing a thought, and it's very hard to get a good bench, mostly because everyone uses different types of objects and every project requires more specific objects matching the theme of the project. Therefore I think a more general workbench project is great, with all objects that are used by NE divided in their correct tabs and keep it an ongoing project. Like for my own workbench project I'm at v3 for some tabs, as new good scenery is being released and I'm sure after H2H I need to make some adjustments as well as there will be more scenery created which could be used in the future.

    I know Gee started such a thing a while back but seeing he's not active anymore, maybe we can make it a general NE project, where we could create a more community based workbench project where all good objects will be in tabs and a very general .sv6 bench is available and being updated once in a while with new versions of the tabs.

    Sorry for rambling on, but I think it could be a great idea and starting point for some people.

    I've allready been working on that as well and created 2 universal scenerytabs allready for my upcoming park, one rooftab wich includes all the rooves i had.
    I've also created a universal foilage tab.
    The thought behind this was also to create tabs that everybody can use without worrying that a lot of items will clutter up the ? mark tab.
    I'll make more tabs in the future that will be as universal as possible.
    You also mentioned the downside. If i start in scenariomaker and select my rooftab first ,then it will clutter up the ? mark tab. but selecting it in the middle or last works better, and if i use parkdat to put it in a park ,then it works fine.
    I've also put something like 147 rooves in that tab.
    Maybe too much ,but you can be sure that you're selection of rooves will be in there. ;)
  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    ^You'd better watch out otherwise you won't have any more small scenery spaces left by the time you get to the final tabs. That's the biggest problem with making a workbench; the limit to the amount of objects you can choose.

    Also Six Frags, I think that's a great idea. A community workbench (where people can suggest objects to use) would help cater to everyone's needs. Also, perhaps specific themed workbenches or tabs which people could use for new projects without the hassle of having to make a new workbench and select specific objects.
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    ^You'd better watch out otherwise you won't have any more small scenery spaces left by the time you get to the final tabs. That's the biggest problem with making a workbench; the limit to the amount of objects you can choose.

    Also Six Frags, I think that's a great idea. A community workbench (where people can suggest objects to use) would help cater to everyone's needs. Also, perhaps specific themed workbenches or tabs which people could use for new projects without the hassle of having to make a new workbench and select specific objects.

    I know what you mean ,but it doesn't have to be a problem ,because you can deselect what you don't want. I've tested this tab before releasing it. I used to have 2 rooftabs. From now on i can use my rooftab in every park, no matter what roof selection i choose.


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