Custom Scenery Exchange / CS Request Thread

  • AvanineCommuter%s's Photo
    Hi all,

    I just realized that this forum is filled with random requests for certain scenery objects but there is no 'official' request thread. Maybe it's about time to have one stickied where people can go and post what scenery they are looking for and others can help supply it?

    To start off, I'm iso (in search of) a 1/4 diagonal marble building block (the Toon Tower building block). I've checked RCT Object list and they don't have it listed... has this object not been created?

    Also iso the Argonath tab so I can group all my argonath items together. Can't seem to find it either.

    Thanks guys, and I hope this gets stickied.
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    It's probably better to approach known object creators (cena, k0ng, Kumba, myself, liampie etc) by pm, as not all read all the cs threads.


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