Fiesta! / It's story time!

  • Wanted%s's Photo
    I don't really play rct, so I thought I would share something that happened today in my public speaking college class. Probably the greatest moment of my life. (please realize I'm not racist, this was just a perfect story) also, no caps or grammar cause I copied from a facebook chat and didnt really feel like fixing.

    Post your funny stories too!

    so today we had a speech in public speaking
    the speech is some type of explanation how to do something

    about 5 minutes into class this fat black girl named Candy runs in and starts begging the teacher to delay her speech because shes not read. the teacher tells her no because we all chose days to present. Candy says, aww helll naw thats fucking scandalous. our teacher says she can go last

    fast forward to the end of class, she goes up there with no props and no powerpoint and just starts talking

    her speech is about WEIGHT loss and shes hella overweight. about 1 minute into her speech she stops talking and just forgets what shes talking about. our WHOLE class is just sitting there for 3 minutes in the most awkward silence of our lives, you can tell everyone is on the verge of bursting out laughter

    she talks for the last minute about random stuff then runs back to her seat, hella mad and swearing

    our teacher says, candy you have to get back up there to answer questions

    she gets up from her desk and trips straight onto her face

    at this point I have NO CLUE how no one has laughed

    she answers questions and our teacher lets us go. we all run hella fast out of the class and as soon as everyone is out we all start laughing SO hard

    its funny because of the awkward moment when she said our teacher is scandalous, shes a BITCH, the awkward silence, AND she fell on her face

    and that concludes one of the most incredible 5 minutes of my life
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I wish I was there.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    The other day, I saw a squirrel picking up a nut in the garden. It was hilarious, cause I was stoned.
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    Nothing half that awesome has ever happened in my life.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    I don't see anywhere where her race was relevant or had to be brought into the picture.
  • Wanted%s's Photo
    I'd just like to say -
    1. I have nothing against any races, I hate assholes from every race
    2. One of my best friends is black
    3. The race was relevant because it adds to the story. She had the ghetto oakland black girl voice, as well as purple hair. It just made the story more hilarious because of her voice. I have no problem with people with that voice, hell I'm friends with a bunch (I live near Oakland). But her voice adds to the story.

    Nothing against the white, black, mexican, asian, etc races! :mantis: Just thought it is another element of the story that IS relevant.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    I also don't have anything against any races. Or squirrels, even.
    What I really don't like though are funny stories that aren't funny. Unless the reader was present during said story.
    It's Fiesta. Show some screens. ;)
  • Wanted%s's Photo

    Show some screens. ;)

    Nope, don't have any
  • Fisch%s's Photo

    The other day, I saw a squirrel picking up a nut in the garden. It was hilarious, cause I was stoned.

    at first I was like wtf how's that funny :rolleyes:

    but then I was like atta boy! :nod: :lol:
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    Pics or it didn't happen. And by the way, build!
  • wheres_walto%s's Photo
    The day I met Obama, we were at a restaurant and he came to our table and we sat there and tried ordering food from him like he was a waiter.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    People can have a ghetto voice without being black. Tons of white, Asian, Hispanic, etc. kids grow up in the city and speak in an African American English dialect.

    I'm not all up tight about this, I just figured I'd point out that her being black wasn't important or relevant to the story. Whether we are racist or not, we still think in a racialized manner.
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo
    my new puppy bit my dick
  • Super G%s's Photo
    I once ran into a shop window when I was a year of 8. It hurts...


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