AD Releases / Brimstone Zoo

  • Micool%s's Photo

    looks really nice, but it also looks like fatha' made it.

    I haven't even looked at the park, and I can tell you it doesn't. Loads of things are different - rails in squares on architecture, those brown 'fences', the abstract architecture with two paths on it, etc. Why does everyone always say that? I don't get it.
  • Ozone%s's Photo
    Well, the download was faster the last time... But thats all that was different. Still get that ugly invalid data message. It really doesn't matter to me - since I already saw the park. :D lol :D
  • CoasterWizard%s's Photo

    I haven't even looked at the park, and I can tell you it doesn't. Loads of things are different - rails in squares on architecture, those brown 'fences', the abstract architecture with two paths on it, etc. Why does everyone always say that? I don't get it.

    Because they feel leet in thinking they know everyone's style :p
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
    IT WORKED!!!

    lol. It looks great. I really think you deserve to be a parkmaker. I loved all of it, but the giraffe statues were kinda odd, lol.
  • Ablaze%s's Photo
    Well Aviator sent it through Trillian (Aim) and it was fine. I really liked the park, the entrance was fantastic really good job there. The colours were really good, and my favourite part was probably the Creepy Crawleys section. Maybe a little cheesy name, but the building they lied in was really well done.

    Nice mini, now lets see what else you have hiding up your sleeve, anything?

    Hey Evil, I saw you trying to fit in with those tigers, but you stood out and I caught ya.
  • Prince%s's Photo
    why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why did this have to be a mini park? It is so brilliant that I love it to death...Fantastic job! Your on my list of people to watch

    ~Prince Ashitaka~ 8@
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Alright I'm dying of curiosity here. How are you building off the edge of the map? Why do the tigers walk off the map onto an invisible walkway? I saw the same thing in one of Ozone's early parks that he released where part of the coaster track ended at the edge of the map but the train continued off into the void as of the rest of the track was still there. Are you building and then shrinking the map somehow?
  • Aviator%s's Photo

    Alright I'm dying of curiosity here. How are you building off the edge of the map? Why do the tigers walk off the map onto an invisible walkway? I saw the same thing in one of Ozone's early parks that he released where part of the coaster track ended at the edge of the map but the train continued off into the void as of the rest of the track was still there. Are you building and then shrinking the map somehow?

    No, but thats good idea...

    Just make a blank with the save game modifier... shrink the size to whatever... then open it and use the dragon trainer to own all land... then push tab (to bring up the overall map) and you'll the the part you have in green and the then theres black where the rest of the map should be and thats the part you can build into.


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