RCT Discussion / Dragon Khan Recreation

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    So, as I announced in park updates, I have begun a DK recreation. I'm after some feedback on the layout, but wanted to post a series of screens and explain my thought process, and so felt the discussion forum was appropriate as that is what I am after.
    The most difficult aspect of the layout is getting the zero-g threaded through the small loop and then placing the cobra roll & mcbr in such a way that it all connects in a flowing way, and is still accurate. Thus, attempt #1:
    Attached Image: SCR11.png
    Either the zero-g needed to be diagonal or the MCBR, so with this attempt I went for the zero-g. It was good, but not as accurate as possible given the large gap in reality between the zero-g & mcbr.
    Attached Image: SCR12.png

    Attempt 2 saw the run up to the MCBR go diagonal and the zero-g straight. This created the large open space and also provided the pull out of the dive loop to be placed decently.


    The next issue with DK's layout is that the first drop comes under the drop out of the MCBR and then the pull out of the loop runs over the pull out of the post MCBR drop. I could do 2 things. A - Ignore this feature and do what most people do and place the loop 'outside' of the layout and have no cross overs. or B - Try and get it to work. I went with B.

    Attached Image: SCR13.png

    Ignoring the coloured lines for the moment, you can see that to get the large loop to work, the MCBR had to go totally diagonal and some areas of track had to have spacers placed in (not really a major issue as Kumba's rec does this). The turn out of the second loop and interlocking corkscrews came next. Unfortunately the turn between the corkscrews isn't as accurate as the rest of the layout, but after spending an hour on this section, there was nothing that could be done except have it like this.


    Why the extra long brake run? I hear you cry! Well, 1, it is just how it turned out seeing as the transfer track is on the other side of the cobra roll and 2, in reality, it is one long ass brake run. Possibly the longest brake run on a coaster I've seen. DK's brake run has 2 block sections and a transfer section, which works out quite well seeing as that's what i've managed to fit in.


    Next comes the lift, unfortunately it has to be a big, long, horrid, diagonal. This is because of how far the station sticks out and the perpendicular angle from the station to the first drop. Whilst aesthetically unpleasing to some, it does create the specific empty space needed to make the rec accurate.

    Attached Image: map.png

    Now to the real overview. As you can see, I have identified certain areas to take note of. The green area is a large open space, as is the blue area, and the yellow shows that the dive loop sticks out quite a bit. If you look above to my layout, i've highlighted the same sections in an attempt to show you what I have tried to do.


    If anyone has managed to read through all this text, thankyou, and I would appreciate it if you could offer your opinion on the layout, any suggestions, improvements or just give me some much needed praise for completing a decent attempt at this horrific layout.

  • Lotte%s's Photo

    can't really give any comments on the layout, because i've only known of this rollercoaster's existance since just now, it does look like from the google earth viewpoint that you misplaced the yellowpart, i'd turn that either 45 or 90 degrees clockwise, but from the overvview you give it looks really promising and i'm sure you can get around it. this whole thing makes me want to do a recreation of Goliath at walibi holland, or just that park in general

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    Are you still working on this? I sincerely hope so, it was a great project.

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    It's sitting on my hard drive currently, but will get picked up again in the future. Probably in the summer, when I wont have uni taking up all of my time.

  • pierrot%s's Photo
    Louis, this topic is pure gold. Your enthusiasm for recreating RL coaster is quite admirable.

    How's it going on this project btw?
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo

    considering limits and such, i think you're as close as you can come to the real thing without sacrificing too much of the flow yuo desire in a coaster rec...


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