RCT Discussion / Top Parks In Construction

  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
    Felt like starting more controversy. hehe.

    -That everquest park (name escapes me, but you always know what the first word is, lol)

    Great looking park, has some nice ideas and a great ride by me. So you KNOW its gonna be good.


    Meh. I like the first screens more than his new seizure craze. Reminds me of those first screens of BGTKing's park.


    Duh. Obviously it is a wonderful park with great theming. Shame there hasn't been more updates recently.

    -Walt Disney Escape

    It's really quite ugly, but I'm a nice guy. lol. It's lookin' great, and his FF he posted recently was great too.

    -Disney Destination: Xtreme

    BchillerR's breakthrough park. What can I say? It's absolutely amazing from the screens. Lets just hope that the park itself isn't a let down.

    Now, post yours.
  • iris%s's Photo
    1.Sydney's Lost Resort by me, Fatha', and Pyro
    2.Disney's Hawaiian Resort by PyroPenguin
    3.WOMB by mantis
    4.Universal's Ports of Call (NE Invitational) by Fatha'
    5.Walt Disney Escape by Corkscrewed
    6.New World Adventures by RCTU
    7.Project Wormwood by aero21
    8.Project Spiffy by x-sector & PyroPenguin
    9.Project 5HinE by x-sector & Posix
    10.Rivers of Babylon by sacoasterfreak
    11.Sea World Atlanta by RRP
    12."Secret Project" by Nate
    13.Mysterious Waters by RCTyrant
    14.Arnos Springs Resort by roomraider
    15.Elyssian Depths by me & Harakiri
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
    My my my. Iris is building 2 parks!

    Bout time. lol.
  • Scarface%s's Photo

    1.Sydney's Lost Resort by me, Fatha', and Pyro

    1. Disneys hawaiian Resort - pyro
    2. Walt disney escape - corky
    3. BGSS - fatha
    4. WOMB - Mantis
    5. Project Spiffy - Pyro And X sector
    6. New world adventures - Rctu
    7. City Of God - Natelox
    8. URE - Voodoo
    9. Everquest waters one - PA
    10. Crypto - Crctn
    11. ROB - Sacf
    12. Xanfia - Freak
    13. COI - Bgtking

    That will do it.....

    Oh and that SLR park ive quoted shud be quite amazing..
  • Dixi%s's Photo

    8. URE - Voodoo

    Why thank you adam - I need some help with something so next time im on aim or msn im me.

    Sydneys lost resort - sounds promising! Very promising!

    Um proberly my list goes a little like this.

    1 - Hmmmm, this is a close battle...... Disney Escape wins - corkscrewed - Flippin awesome. All of it. Nuff said.
    1.5 - Disneys Hawiian Resort - Pyro - Flippin Awesome. What little we've seen of it. Nuuf said.
    2 - RoB - sacoasterfreak - Damn, too me the theming is pooooorfect. Everything is expertly placed. Its easy to tell hes a legend.
    3 - Everquest one - PA - i dont usually like RCT1 parks cos it doesnt work on my pc ne more, but this park is special man, something about it makes me stare at it in awe.
    4 - NWA - RCTU - very leet park. Its got all of RCTU's best RCT2 parkmakers contributing. Some tasty coasters too.
    5 - BGSS - Fatha''''''''''' - was a pretty nice park, now i dont know wtf is goin on with it. WE NEED UPDATES!
    6 - URE - Moi - got some shagtastic things planned and built for this park.
    7 - Womb - mantis - yes. If this park was in RCT2......... It wouldnt be any where near as good. The hacks are stupendously amazing, i love everything bout it. Its such a shame i wont be able to see it.
    8 - Viacenza Hills - Dave - better than his new park IMO. Hurry up and finish it dave, it rulz.!.!.!
    9 - DD:X - BchillerR/Butters - I like. Its great. How can people say its not disney? HAVE U EVER BEEN TO A DISNEY XTREME PARK?!!!!???!?!?!?!?!??!?!!dfdsfwrwrwrw>>>??~~!!!

    Their are more, mostly from RCT1 which is why I didnt list them, cos il just get angry when i wont be able to see them. :@
  • Turtleman%s's Photo
    Everquest: Waters of the Past

    Nuf' said

    Turtleman 8)
  • natelox%s's Photo

    9 - DD:X - BchillerR/Butters - I like. Its great. How can people say its not disney? HAVE U EVER BEEN TO A DISNEY XTREME PARK?!!!!???!?!?!?!?!??!?!!

    um...no, i haven't. Perhaps thats why its not very disney.
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo

    um...no, i haven't. Perhaps thats why its not very disney.

    Well, just to be fair, DBW wasn't exactly very "Disney" like either. But does that mean it didn't deserve the title in your eyes?
  • natelox%s's Photo
    i know DBW isn't very disney like. i was just stating why people might have been complaing about that park not being very disney like. He asked if i had ever been to a disney xtreme park. BTw, what title are u talking about?
  • Dixi%s's Photo

    um...no, i haven't. Perhaps thats why its not very disney.

    Good point. But still, if Disney did build an Xtreme park it may look like that. You never know. I just think people should have an open mind about it, because people came down on him like a ton of bricks over it.
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
    The title I am refering to is the prefix, Disney.
  • iris%s's Photo
    Back on topic please.
    Please don't make me close this, its a good thread.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    Walt Disney Escape, because it's the only park whose construction I've been monitoring intently.

    Oh well, my loss.
  • thorpedo%s's Photo

    1. BS-TPM...what can I say about this park? Its near perfection, if not perfection, and is absolutely amazing in every aspect. I can't wait for this bitch to be released.
    2. Everquest: Waters of the Past-you know who just by the title :rolleyes: ...great park, absolutely amazing theming and kickass coasters all the way. Keep goin baby, this is gonna be a favorite of mine.
    3. WOMB-mantis...the shit. this will be the shit. take a big whiff, baby.
    4. 5hine-x-sector and posix...looks terrific from the screens and the aztec area looks totally kickass. i hope to see this debut as spotlight.
    5. Crypto- CRCTN...great screens all the way, the new section gives me a boner, its so hot, nice colors, perfect archy and nice CRCTN theming...all the way d00d.
    6. Xanfia- freak...SHIT! this park looks way better than Exile I think, and its definetly one park I look forward too...very freak-y.
    7. DD:X- BchillerR...his best park so far, and its gonna KICK ass..it owns you along with the whole world.
    8. NWA- RCTU...oh..my...god...this is amazing. the south map looks very promising with adams archy, and the north map looks very cool with voodoo and gymkid combined (should make an all star park)...great job fellow RCTUers.

    Thats it for now. The reason I didn't put any top RCT2 parks is because I'm fed up with them and the lack of updates.
  • Aeroglobe%s's Photo
    W.O.M.B. -- This park is completely amazing. Everything is perfect.

    5H1NE -- Damn, dude. Just... wow.

    Busch Gardens San Simeaon -- Yep. Total RCT2 masterpiece.

    Alpine Ridge -- I'm gonna have to be narcisstic and say my secret park is the best. It really is quite nice.

    Vicenzia Hills -- The original amazing RCT2 park. It's just crazy.

    Can't think of any more at the moment.

    Aérôglòbe Posted Image
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
    Back it up with screens Aeroglobe ;)
  • Scarface%s's Photo
    i forgot to add WB Hawaiian adventure to my list - ozone and aviator
  • x-sector%s's Photo

    Oh and other parks :
    SWA - RRP
    Project Wormwood - Aero21
    Walt Disney Escape - Corky
    RoB -SAC
    Arnos Springs Resort - roomie
    Anything from Fatha
    Anything from Harakiri
    Anything From Iris
    Anything from Pyro
  • Stargazer%s's Photo

  • Scarface%s's Photo



    oh shizzllleeeeee

    HOW ON EARTH DID I FORGET STARGAZERS..........probably because he doesnt show screens ;)

    Anyway yeh this is probably no.2 or 3 on my list
    great park !! send me any updates when ready :p


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