General Chat / Nevermore...Random Technology

  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    I now have my own forum for my Advice thread. Yes, now I have my own advice forum in the "Troubled Crowd". If you have any serious questions that would have been asked in my old thread, just start a new topic in the new subforum.

    Well well...
    It's been a solid week since I have written anything relevant that didn't pertain to the Awards that were recently held. Other than a few complaints, the Awards went well in my eyes. I want to again thank everyone who participated in any way, shape or form...

    I have possibly a lot of things to discuss today.
    I will start with a personal story...

    A lot of cool stuff happened to me this weekend. Not only did I win stuff at a MTG pre-release, I also got wasted for the first time in 5 years and randomly started drawing flower tattoos with sharpie markers on random sluts' stomachs and backs. It was quite the mise to say the least. Of coarse I got nowhere with any of them, which was a savage beating, but wutever...

    Females can be tricky. You never know when they are running some kind of scams and flams, so you must be careful in the future guys. Women will be your downfall, so take heed and be weary. Of coarse I am obv talking out of my ass, but you don't have to listen to me.

    A friend of mine, who is a female, decided to break her ties with me when she told a firend of mine what I said about him to her. She apparently did it out of anger, but that doesn't make up for her betraying our trust. Stupid girl indeed. After the dust settled, I told her to fuck off for almost ruining my friendship with the other person. I am thinking now that it was for the best.

    The above mentioned writing is what I like to call "horrendous" and serves no merit whatsoever to my article. I will infact be honest and say that i feel uninspired to write at this very moment. I only wanted to say a few things today, but since I can't normally do that, I need filler material usually. I am not one to make things up on the fly, but dammit I will think of something...

    I mean I can't even make fun of the president because he hasn't done anything terribly stupid lately. I mean he is still a dirty faggot, but wutever. His time will come eventually, to get booted out of office. What a fucking tool he is. I HATE GEORGE W. BUSH!!!

    Another random thing that pisses me off are random idiots on this site spamming so much now. I mean I know a lot of you are still going through puberty, but come on, are the 5000000000000000000000000000 :birthday: icons needed? I think not. My advice topic in the Troubled Crowd has been hijacked by morons using :birthday:...

    From now on, if someone randomly throws a :birthday: without anything else relevent to say with it that isn't a paragraph long, the thread/post will be terminated in the forums i moderate. There is absolutely no need to spam that much for no reason. Plus it's just fucking stupid. I mean if you are going to spam, atleast use something cool like this...

    Posted Image

    ...not this...


    New Element and Surreal Designs Inc. have decided to throw a little bone in the contest world. The NE High Rollers Contest was announced in the wee hours of this morning. The contest has a cash prize and all members are urged to join and participate. Iris and myself are still working out all the details and workbenches, but it should be a fairly simple contest...

    Go here for more details. The money situation with non-US residents is already solved, so anyone around the world can enter.

    Speaking of Surreal Designs Inc., I will be announcing my next project later on today in the Advertising District. I am also looking for people to possibly join SDI or just maybe collab on something in the near future. I am not so good with RCT 2 architecture. LMK if you are interested...

    I'd love to say I have more, but I don't. Not for today atleast. My complaining was minimal, just like the quality of this read; minimal...

    If I disappoint anyone with this piece of dog shit, I am sorry, I was just not in the mood today, but had to make a few announcements...

    I should be back to normal in a few days. You know my usual stuff, making fun of everyone, hating the world and myself, criticizing any and everything, shit like that...

    Random Thoughts

    - Money is the root of all evil.

    - So how many of you missed the trailer for Matrix Revolutions at the end of the credits of Reloaded?

    - Republicans should die.

    - So should Democrats.

    Quote of the Day
    "It's only uncommon, so what?"
    - ZMayls

    Words of Advice
    If you use :birthday: in any post, please just kill yourself.

    CD of the Day
    Marilyn Manson-Golden Age of the Grotesque
    - At first I thought this album would just totally suck without Twiggy around anymore. Thank god I was wrong. This is Manson's best effort since the first disc IHMO. Def worth buying.

    Rent of the Day
    One of David Cronenberg's most fucked up movies to date. This movie stars James Woods and is about random weird occurances with a man and TV. It rivals the plot of most David Lynch movies and has some sick as hell effects. Definitely worth watching atleast once.

    Well I must depart to go do some work...

    Until the next exciting episode...
    I love you all,

  • Pym Guy%s's Photo
    Great as always. Not as funny as your usual articals, but still good.
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    If we have to use something cool to this ok?:

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  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
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  • Not so Great Brain%s's Photo
    It would've been better if Pym among others didn't steel my birthday icon. I only posted about 20% of them, so don't be hatin' yo.
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    Posted Image
  • mantis%s's Photo

    Not only did I win stuff at a MTG pre-release

    Damn. I remember that game.....I went to the Planeshift Pre-Release. Got drawn against this guy who took about 5 minutes over each move and insisted I declared everything that went on the stack...

    "tap 3 forests to produce 3 green mana to play...."

    God, he sucked. Hope it wasn't you. I don't think he was American. What set is it on now? I stopped around about Apocalypse because it sucked.

  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    Apocalypse was great mantis...
    The new set is called Scourge...
    And that whole stack thing does exist...

  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    Manson is God.
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    i hate MTG.

    Not because it's not fun, but because whoever spends the most wins... and that is just sad.
  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    I hardly spend money, and I win all the time.

  • Micool%s's Photo

    - Republicans should die.

    - So should Democrats.

    That could be the wisest thing I've heard in my life. Couldn't have put it better mysleff.

  • Blitz%s's Photo
    hey yeah, i did too...
    but guess what?
    I still lost to any dumbass who actually spent near $2000 to get his killer deck... or some jerk off who got a pro deck for 300 flat out(at the time i got fed up, i did not know about this)

    frankly, I just don't like a game where you can power up your arsenal with MONEY, it leaves the poor kids out of the loop. Now... if money wasn't a problem, the true geniuses of the game would always win, not richboy "daddy bought me 2 mercedes".

    oh, and i agree with micool on the above.
  • mantis%s's Photo

    hey yeah, i did too...
    but guess what?
    I still lost to any dumbass who actually spent near $2000 to get his killer deck... or some jerk off who got a pro deck for 300 flat out(at the time i got fed up, i did not know about this)

    frankly, I just don't like a game where you can power up your arsenal with MONEY, it leaves the poor kids out of the loop.  Now... if money wasn't a problem, the true geniuses of the game would always win, not richboy "daddy bought me 2 mercedes".

    oh, and i agree with micool on the above.

    You're right! I gave up simply because I had no money. And all those dealer guys thought they were soooo cool with their "i'll give you 50p for that card that's worth £5 and make you pay £4 for the one that's worth a quid". Bastards! All of them!

    I just carried on with my little green common decks and would people take any notice? WOULD THEY HELL! Bastards! All of them! Just cos Rancor wasn't in standard doesn't mean it wasn't a KICK ASS CARD!

    And who gives a shit about some crappy stack? You attack, you kill, you win! Just cos you don't fucking declare everything doesn't mean it doesn't happen! BASTARDS! ALL OF THEM!

    Saying that, I did get a Masticore in a Legacy booster *sniff* memories...
  • jhoffa%s's Photo
    "- So how many of you missed the trailer for Matrix Revolutions at the end of the credits of Reloaded?"

    #1 27MB Matrix Revolutions Teaser Trailer

    #1 27MB Matrix Revolutions Teaser Trailer

    #1 13MB The.Matrix.Revolutions.Trailer

    #5 27MB Matrix 3: Revolutions Trailer.mpg

    #7 614MB -=BM=- M3 Matrix Revolutions SVCD Teaser [Centropy] [TRAILER]

    So there, there.


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