RCT Discussion / post-h2h activity slump hype thread

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    as you know, just like Kumba's crippling gambling addiction, NE is plagued with a downfall right after any huge contest (e.g. H2H). I just want to know who is gonna be or planning to be really active in the next 6 months or so.



  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    Im gonna be as moderately active buildingwise as always

    In fact i was building last night, and have some big plans
    Which will probs never be finished
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo

    I am submitting four designs tomorrow

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    ^I will be severely disappointed if there aren't 4 ][22 designs on my desk tomorrow. Not that i'll file them or anything. They'll just sit in my in tray.

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    I'm hoping that you're being serious ][.

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I've had a small activity peak two weeks ago. And I know that another atlas member is secretly working on a park though, which is going well. New activity is just bubbling under the surface, the slump will be over in a couple of weeks.
  • FredD%s's Photo

    I'm just working on FUCK like I did before H2H. It's around 50% now, I hope to get it done next year. 

  • alex%s's Photo

    I'm usually a lot busier with work in autumn but I've got a couple of projects I'm excited to work on when I get time. Luna Park will be a fantasy take on 1920's coney island with wacky custom rides and a shit tonne of lights. Then there's my RCT2 sci-fi park with red water and duelling rapids which will either be hideous or epic, but fun either way.

    Also if anyones down for doing a colab hit me up! Classic NE style centre lake, either LL or old school RCT2 I'm thinking.

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Alex, our styles would work together really well I think. I'm willing to share my plans for my next LL park, which will be either a failure or a spotlight candidate. It would be about time that I'm winning an LL spotlight, after 3-4 golds. I'll PM you soon.
  • PizzaWurscht%s's Photo

    im idealess right now.but i want to be more active right now.

  • bigshootergill%s's Photo

    Forces of Nature is almost 200 years in, with maybe another 100+ to go, but it's on the back burner to a design I'm working on, which should be complete in a month-ish. Perhaps what Liam referred to above. After that I'll get back to FoN, and maybe a colab on the side. So basically I'm going to keep picking away at stuff, trying to actually complete them as I go :)


    And I submitted my Electric Fields last week, so it should be up sometime in late December or early January :p. Ha! That's no dig at the admins, I realize they put lots of time into this site, which everyone greatly appreciates.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    Alex i want in :) i love me some good ll

    New ll group park?

    But then there would be no one to vote on it lol
  • G Force%s's Photo
    I'd love to contribute to an LL group park, not sure if I'd be that helpful but it would be a cool opportunity.

    Westwinds should be done in October or early November if I don't have any issues or sudden desires to rebuild large areas. After that I want to work an a design, either an Invert or a Arrow Megalooper like Viper. Or possibly start on my long time passion project that will hopefully stretch the limits of the game in terms of both fantasy and realistic parkmaking. But at this point, who knows what will happen.
  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    I'm working on a huge project but anyone that knows me knows it won't be done for years...

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    I'm still active in my quiet hours, even when classes will start again next week. I've got a few projects going on, including a collab with Thirteen which is going really well.

  • Poke%s's Photo

    I wouldn't mind working with you alex. :)

  • Maverix%s's Photo

    I've got a design sitting at about 97%.  Mostly just finishing backstage details then blacktileling the map.  Hopefully when I get some free time I remember to finish this instead of playing NL2 for once.


    Oh and I also need to finish KnoxVegas, but that will come in time, probably won't be until 2016 but winter break should be great for getting a good chunk of what needs to be done finished.

  • nin%s's Photo

    I'm hoping to finish Animal Kingdom by the end of the year, and I've only got 12 years to go on the 24 hour park.

  • chorkiel%s's Photo

    red water and duelling rapids

    This sounds so more epic than I can believe with the normal speed of rapids.



    If you'd like, I'd be up to work on an LL group park. I'm getting pretty good at replicating architecture/building styles and don't even have codex installed. Although I'm not really sure if I even have LL installed since my computer broke down. :)

  • Kumba%s's Photo

    Gambling is awesome :kumbasgreen:


    Attached Image: allaboutthechips.png


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