RCT Discussion / RCT2 for MacBook

  • Disney Imagineer%s's Photo
    Okay, so I wanted to ask you guys a few things. I'm getting ready to head to the Apple Store to purchase my first MacBook. I'm buying the new MacBook, and my uncle told me it may not have a good enough processor to run both Photoshop and RCT2 and run them both well. It would either be a 1.2 or 1.3GHz dual-core Intel Core M processor. Is there anyone on here who uses both Photoshop and RCT2 that could tell me if there would be any issues? Also, where can I download a copy of RCT2 for Mac online? For all you Mac users, where do you purchase a download of the game?

    Thanks guys
  • Rofl%s's Photo

    I use the GoG version + Wineskin Winery to run RCT2 and even OpenRCT2. Don't know a lot about the specs you are mentioning, but I think it can handle it fine.

  • RRP%s's Photo

    I wouldn't recommend a macbook or any apple mac for playing games or designing stuff unless you are designing for print.

     My imac is running under windows OS for usability of games and the many programs not supported by OSX.

    The only other thing OSX does right imo is usability for beginners.

  • alex%s's Photo


    Somehow my macbook really struggles with RCT. It's not slow it just gets very warm and the fan gets loud. Could be because it's through a wineskin though. I usually make sure to have no other programs open other than chrome running too.


    I work as an illustrator/graphic designer and sometimes I'll be working on photoshop files that are ~1gb and my laptop has no problems.

    Playing a computer game from 1999 though.. different story.


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