RCT Discussion / Object Selection

  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    So, those of you who may still remember me, knew that I was working on an S&S Woodie design about 4 or 5 years ago (the whole thing was called Genfer Gärten), but alas I lost everything. Some people still may have a file I sent them for testing, but I only know of Kong, and seeing as he is banned I have no way of recovering it. Soo, I really want to recreate the whole thing from my memory and improve it (unless somebody finds a file somewhere). I am pretty rusted when it comes to the game mechanics, so maybe someone of you can help me out with the following:

    When I am in the scenario editor I pick out all my objects, but when I am in building mode there is only a fraction of them available. No idea why, can anybody help me out?

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    They're probably all under your ?-tab. You need to select some themes that cover a lot of the objects you have under the ?-tab, if you know what I mean.

    I remember the woodie btw, and I remember it looked good! Nice to have you back.
  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    Well, that's what I did, but I am afraid that there are probably too many in the misc section. And I cannot recall having selected any additional themes back then. Hopefull the more parks I download, the easier it gets. The 256 object limit is already painful enough. At least I was able to find some pictures which will help me reconstruct it. And I'd like to make a full blown park out of it, with an Intamin Giga and an Arrow/Vekoma Mine or Corkscrew or Schwarzkopf Loop on a mountainside. 

  • The Viking%s's Photo

    What you could do i use OpenRCT2 and use the object selection tab to play around with various scenery groups to find if theres a selection that would move alot of the misc tab into easy to navigate tabs? You can spend time selecting a good group of scenery tabs and find a balance. 

    Or maybe you could untick the objects your not using atm to be able to navigate the > tab but then when you need them you can put them back in slowly as to not clutter the misc tab?

  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    Sounds like an idea. Anything I need to watch out for when using openRCT? Compability issues, stuff like that?

  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo
    You should be aware that trainers will not work with OpenRCT2, though you can now do quite a bit from the cheat menu instead. Aside from that, there shouldn't be too many issues. OpenRCT2 does have a few more bugs than the original, especially if you're on the develop branch, but it does also fix some of the bugs that were present in the original game.
  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    Well, I am afraid that I'll have to use the trainers, since I intend to use zero clearance and possibly track merging. 

  • frdalton%s's Photo

    Having never merged a track before, I can't speak to that, but OpenRCT has a great zero clearance built in.

  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo
    OpenRCT2 doesn't have an explicit track merging cheat, but it does allow track merging using the zero clearance functionality. However, it doesn't seem to work in block sectioned mode - you get the message "track is not a complete circuit" when trying to open the ride. There is a cheat to change the mode but your block brakes won't work. I don't know if there is a way around this.
  • The Viking%s's Photo

    You can switch between both OpenRCT and the regular, theyre both compatible with the save that you will make


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