RCT Discussion / Looking for inspiration

  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    So, this idea of building a semi-realistic Intamin LSM in the style of Cheetah Hunt has been stuck in my mind for quite some time, and I'd actually like to build this thing before I continue with my other projects, so that I can work on my architecture and landscaping skills (because, I'm really weak at those).I've been looking on the exchange for rides in the style of Cheetah Hunt to inspire myself, but I couldn't find anything. I can distantly recall a quite impressive design (I think it had a green track),but I saw that one several years ago. So,yeah, feel free to post some parks/designs, whatever. Most important thing is that it should contain that tower turn-around.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    Theres a design called cheetaka i think you're looking for. In pridelands theres a very good one (probably the best cheetah hunt-style youll find). Theres plenty of similar layouts around (san fransokyo, my cthulhu design, etc). If you want africa themes check out kukuana, mamba kalima (sp?) Johnny93s phantasialand-ish park. Theres probably an africa tag in the db, and definitely an intamin one
  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    Thanks. I have some hybrid layout with 3-4 launches and a Top Hat in mind. A trestle bridge over a ravine for the launch track into the top hat. And I think I am going with a scandinavian or "Northern Frontier theming", or however you call the northern american wilderness.


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