RCT Discussion / What's the best price to set for stalls?

  • thirstydeer%s's Photo

    I was wondering if I could get some opinions on the highest prices you set for the different food and souvenir stalls before peeps start to think/say that prices are too high.


    While we're at it, if you set your custom park for entrance fee only, what price do you set for that?

  • csw%s's Photo

    Food and drink, I usually just take the default price and bump it up to the next nearest $0.50. 


    Bathrooms you can charge if you want, but I never did and it never really hurt me in scenarios. 


    Umbrellas you can have at about $15 and guests will buy them if its raining. That's the biggest cash cow. 

  • G Force%s's Photo

    This would be a good questions for the /rct subreddit, they are into scenarios and stuff like that much more than NE is.

  • Austin55%s's Photo

    .20 cents for restrooms

  • MCI%s's Photo

    .20 cents for restrooms

    You´re an evil person. 

  • thirstydeer%s's Photo

    .20 cents for restrooms


    Once I ran a park with at least .50 cents for the restrooms, just to see what would happen.  I found they'll pay and use them with the same frequency until you get to around the $1.00 mark. 

  • chorkiel%s's Photo

    .30 for restrooms. Except for the ones next to intense coasters because I don't want poor people's puke on my paths.

  • FredD%s's Photo

    .30 for restrooms. Except for the ones next to intense coasters because I don't want poor people's puke on my paths.

    No we only want rich men's puke on the paths...
  • chorkiel%s's Photo

    At least they know how to throw up in style with an original chorkielworld® hat, t-shirt, park-map and umbrella.

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo
    When it rains people will buy umbrellas for any price so make it $20 (the game maximum). That's how I always used to beat scenarios. Just pray for rain and watch the cash pour in... seriously you'll sell a fuck ton of them.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    In RCT1, that's how you can actually lose scenarios. If your guest runs out of cash, he'll leave the park. Since I adopted the tactic of making guests not leave instead of making cash, I found that scenarios were much easier to beat. Unless you do it early in the game of course, or if the scenario has a weird objective.
  • gibbsies%s's Photo

    In RCT1 I usually leave the shops alone, since you can make a lot of money from gate receipts and coasters. In RCT2 though, I usually bump up all of the stalls by $0.90.


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