Ask the Experts / Download problem

  • charliep%s's Photo

    I have downloaded several RCT2 parks in the past and would like to add some of my own rides and scenery to them. I am able to save the park as a new scenario ok, but when I try to then use the scenario editor on the newly just created scenario - ERROR TRAPPER.

    If I try and load the saved game (SV6) from the scenario editor - same thing.

    HOWEVER, if I download a saved game that is in RCT original (SV4) format - no problem.


    Any ideas.

  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo
    I don't know the source of the error, but have you tried using ParkDat to add rides rather than the scenario editor?
  • charliep%s's Photo

    I was wanting to use just the landscape without all the clutter and add my own scenery. There was a hacked ride which was hidden below the surface and when I either used parkdat to change the ride or tried to delete the ride during game play - ERROR TRAPPER.

  • G Force%s's Photo

    If it was a tracked ride, well I'm not really sure what you can do there other than trying to fix the part of the ride that causes the error.


    If it was a flat ride, just use map object manipulation to raise the ride to a even number height unit (0, 2, 4, 6 etc..) which is the equivalent to 0ft, 5ft, 10ft etc... in game when using English units.  Kind of complicated to explain but in game its not that bad.


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