Ask the Experts / Merging special vertical tracks

  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    Attached File  SCR1.jpg (35.92KB)
    downloads: 7

    Kinda self-explanatory. It always bothered me how the top of  S&S Thrust Air Coasters was way too small, so I tried expanding it with some Dive Machine track. Sadly, I always get an error trapper, as it seems that that one piece of vertical S&S track equals about 3 pieces of regular vertical track. Any way to get around this? I used OpenRCT2, no idea how to do vertical merges with 8cars. 

  • alex%s's Photo

    I'm not sure but you may be doing it on the wrong tile - try adding two flat pieces at the top of the vertical coaster track so the merge takes place over the track bit rather than the support bit.

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Won't work. Merges only work when two track pieces that are exactly the same overlap. A straight B&M track piece equals a straight wooden coaster track piece, but these two vertical pieces are not equal. That's why it doesn't work.
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo

    You could build the while spike as vertical coaster track and then lower some S&S into place to give the appearance on the vertical sections.


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