Ask the Experts / Architecture...

  • RMM%s's Photo
    How do you start building? A main shape and adding? Or what?

  • spiderman%s's Photo
    I look at the buildings around the area where I want to build my new building, so I try to make the new similar enough that it fits in, but unique enough that it won't be nearly the same. As for the other stuff I do, it's just kinda subconscious...

  • posix%s's Photo
    I usually just try things and look how it turns out. That's probably one of the worst things you can do.
    If you want to be all professional and skillful try this:
    Think of a theme, go to and search for pics. Let's say "Egyptian". You'll find pictures of Egyptian structures. Try to build these in RCT. No matter how unspectacular that might look at first try, you'll improve quickly, trust me. It also helps you to fit a theme *. Some people don't really seem to think of what the architecture has to look like and just do their symmetrical 2x2 shit in every section.
    So I'd say, try to be realistic at first. Once you think you're good enough you can experiment a bit. Then go on for fantasy if that's what you like because fantasy can most easily be done wrong. For fantasy style you need quite a bit of creativity. I'd say do it like Coaster Ed and put your ideas down on a paper by drawing buildings. Otherwise you will run out of ideas too quickly.
    I'm looking forward to your results.

    *This is SAC's method by the way.
  • B O S C O%s's Photo
    Heres what I would do...

    Take a stall and place it in a open area.
    Then, go to the landscaping tool.
    Press the add button twice.
    Manuver the Landscaping crusor directly over the stall.
    Raise the land.
    Then raise each raised land around the stall, till it's completely submerged, or to were you can only see the top of the stall.
    Go to the pathmaker tool, and simply cover the top of the "block".
    There you would have a perfectly shaped "Block".

    From that you can imagine all different types of shapes, you can make.
    It's the simplest way to make a building with something in it...
  • Caddie Gone Mad%s's Photo
    Or you could just bury it...

    When I start, I make the tallest section of the building and then work down from their, color the sides and top, andd path to balconies and stuff, then add windows, fences, and awnings.
  • RMM%s's Photo

    Or you could just bury it...

    When I start, I make the tallest section of the building and then work down from their, color the sides and top, andd path to balconies and stuff, then add windows, fences, and awnings.

    This is what I do.
  • Micool%s's Photo
    Usually I try to make something really special in each "section" I make... such as a structure, a ride station, or an entrance. Then I try to mimic the architecture style/color I used in that throughout the rest of the section. I find this a lot easier because everyone knows what stations and entrances are "supposed" to look like. Once you make the big thing, the rest of the architecture should come a bit easier, although every piece should be unique, it won't be scattered or distracting.
  • Hyper Helix%s's Photo
    I look at what buildings real parks and try to improve on them, and go from there. Just remember multiple levels looks kool! lol
  • PyroPenguin%s's Photo
    I never put stalls in so I dont have to worry about that, in RCT I start by forming the rough shape with raised land. Then I tweak what I did until I'm happy, then start adding in color, coaster bits, windows, all that decor. Often times I will add a little more during that last stage also. In RCT2, I basically just build, but alot of times I will get the shape with a low wall, build it up, and tweak it massivly until I am happy.


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