General Chat / RCT & Stuff

  • sircursealot%s's Photo
    Well...what's going on in the RCT world? I've been doing a bit of work on my two parks. Gentle Glenn in Mystical Utopia is near completion, as is Demon's Island. My challenge will be finishing up Evermore, and then doing a resort map. I've done a tiny bit of work on Project ZoSo, but that's a side project. I
    really want to finish Mystical Utopia. My top parks list will be updated soon, so watch out for that. Anyways...
    Foozy's shown some incredible RCT2 work for the Hi-Rollers contest. Some kind of old factory or power station. Anyways, it's overgrown and some of the best semi-dark stuff I've seen in RCT2. Another guy to watch in Hi-Rollers is spiderman. His entry looks like an improved version of his Action Zone park. adamrct continues to wow us. This time, it's with his very nice monochromatic Hi-Rollers entry.
    Timothy Cross is up to his old tricks again, with the wonderful Jubilee! Amusement Park. I am in love with that park. :D Rct_Flame took me by surprise with his amazing new solo, Project Mono. One of the most off-the-wall parks I've seen, with original architecture and theming. This will be a must download. intamin101 has a nice DisneySea park going. I suggest you check it out. CoasterWizard, an extremely underrated parkmaker, is progressing very nicely on his tropical Banana Republic park. Caddie Gone Mad has a pretty cool RCT1 project in the works. The original style a good break from all these other parks in the works.
    H2H week 7 is lookin' good. Praiseland vs. Leviathan, what a matchup I tell you! While Leviathan showed more talent, Praiseland, the winner, was an overall better park. iris is doing his QFTB thing again, and this time it's for areas. The South, North, and West bracket are all done with. I'm anxious to see what the East will have. It might be the most radical bracket of all, hehe.

    Well, school's (finally) over with. Another year gone by. More time for RCT and stuff. Yay! There's a lot for me to talk about, but I'll keep it short. My dad's on vacation. Our hockey team won 4-2 (I played horribly though). We finally pulled through so yay. Everyone on this board is bitching at me and my supposedly big ego for some reason. Yadda yadda.
    I've started writing a nice little story. You can check out the prologue, I made a topic for it. Writing is still one of my favourite hobbies, so I'm happy. Speaking of writing, Mortician also has written something nice worth reading. Umm, yeah. Enough about writing.
    I'll be gone this weekend (yay!) so you guys can catch me on Monday. I'll have a brand spankin' new article by Wednesday at the latest. So that's basically it. Zeppelin still rocks. Yeah.

    Thing Of The Day: pankedy pants. Thanks Foozy!
    CD Of The Day: Finger Eleven - Greyest Of Blue Skies. Really has grown on me. I love it.
    Song Of The Day: Led Zeppelin - Out On The Tiles. Good song!
    Quote Of The Day: " mom (shudders) which I hadn't done in three years." - Hevydevy
    Site Of The Day: High Resolution Auto Images. A must for any car nut!
  • Caddie Gone Mad%s's Photo
    Somebody mentioned it, wowz3r.

    I rulez.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    I'm starting to think these new articles are just an excuse to advertise your favorite CDs and songs...

    About RCT, I've been seeing a lot of potential displayed through screenshots lately but not a lot of real skill. I like seeing potential and I'm sure some of these new parkmakers will continue to improve and surprise me, but I'm missing some of those higher profile projects I haven't heard much about in awhile. Foozy's High Roller pic really looks great. I'm waiting to see more screenshots from Jubilee before I make a determination on that. I am feeling particularly jaded at this moment (I haven't eaten all day and I'm becoming irritable), so maybe that's why I'm more miserly than usual.
  • sircursealot%s's Photo

    I'm starting to think these new articles are just an excuse to advertise your favorite CDs and songs...

    nah. But I do enjoy doing that. mwahaha...
  • i c ded pplz%s's Photo
    you forgot Meretrix's Disneys Tilted Acres:(
  • vTd%s's Photo
    I've been out for 4 weeks already... must suck for you.
  • Elmnopman%s's Photo
    Oh man i am so glad to be out of school. I got out the 7th i think but i had summer school. It isnt' worth being stupid...
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I get out of school on the 18th July. Go back at the beginning of september.

    Oh what a wonderful life I lead.
  • spiderman%s's Photo

    I get out of school on the 18th July. Go back at the beginning of september.

    Oh what a wonderful life I lead.

    Wow...thats a long time in school! How many hours a day are you? I'd hope not many...
  • mantis%s's Photo
    8.45 - 3.35 but it takes me about 45 minutes to and from school on top of that.

    We get 6 weeks of summer holidays which isn't that bad I guess.
  • Foozycoaster%s's Photo
    Yes. Pankedy pants is truly wonderful.

    Anyways, I really like the way my high rollers is turning out, and it will really be somthing to see when completed.

    Its good to have my name back into rct, seeing as how I'm usually too lazy to make anything.
  • Scarface%s's Photo
    Cheers for the comments again.
    Yes foozy it will be something to look at judging from that screen.
    I wish i had waited to post a screen as i have themed a ride and it is looking like my best ever work.
  • sircursealot%s's Photo

    you forgot Meretrix's Disneys Tilted Acres:(

    Covered it in the last issue.

    Umm, yeah. I'm back now. Rejoice. Or die.


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