General Chat / Doom III

  • Nitrous Oxide%s's Photo
    I was at my friends house the other day having alittle LAN playing some Ghost Recon, Quake III, Command and Conquer, etc. Anyways he showed me a Beta to Doom III that his friend downloaded. It included 4 levels. This game is so fucking incredible. But if you don't have an exellent graphics card you are fuck. I mean, you need a card from like today. We both have GeForce 3's and it runs at like a max of 20fps. But this game is so fucking incredible. The graphics are incredible along with the lighting. This game is deffintly going to get Game of the Year when it comes out. This game is well worth $100! Hopefully they will not make us pay that much though :lol:

    If you can, try to find the beta or a video of this game. It's fucking incredible!
  • Tony%s's Photo
    Wasn't that game supposed to be out last year? Anyway, the screens I saw weren't that great. The demons looked like crap, and it didn't keep the DOOM feel. The best "modern" DOOM was DOOM 64.
  • Nitrous Oxide%s's Photo
    Here's Some Screen Shots
  • Nitrous Oxide%s's Photo

    Wasn't that game supposed to be out last year?  Anyway, the screens I saw weren't that great.  The demons looked like crap, and it didn't keep the DOOM feel.  The best "modern" DOOM was DOOM 64.

    Dude, it's 2003... It's not 1996 anymore. Why the hell would you want another game that is just like the others. That's like a fucking band making 2 CDs that sound alike. It's stupid. If you like the old ones, keep with them ones then. I for one don't want another Doom 1 or 2. I want something new!!!
  • Foozycoaster%s's Photo
    It was an alpha, not a beta, and yes, the doom 3 engine is the most revolutionary to date.

    Screens can never do it justice. The models are bumped to no end, and the way light reflects, and the shadows across shaped surfaces, its all amazing, and completely realistic.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo

    Volumetrix Shaders, Pixel Shaders.

    Thank god my ATI 9800 is "future proof."

    I pitty all the fools that bought a FX5900 Ultra, they lose.

    But yes, the game does look amazing, the shaders and lighting is some of the best I've seen.

    Made with Maya! I hate Alias|Wavefront, dirty bastards.
  • Foozycoaster%s's Photo

    The 5900 ultra runs about 30% faster than the 9800 in Doom 3, seeing as how its built off of eficcient shaders.
  • Nitrous Oxide%s's Photo
    Yeah, I need to update my card soon also. I am not really sure what I am going to get. Any suggestions?
  • Foozycoaster%s's Photo
    9700 pros are getting cheap, and thad' definately be the best value..

    If you want top of the line, the 5900 (compared to 9800 256 meg) will be best for Doom 3, and a little bit faster in all other games, but the 9800 will have better image quality (barely).
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    Yes. The 9700 pros are great. I recommend you get one of them if you are cheap.

    But if you want to think about games that are coming out in the future you'll want to go with the 9800 because it does great with Pixel Shaders and Volumetrics (DOOM III).

    So I say blow the extra 100 and get the 9800. It's well worth it.

    You'll also need a fast chip too.
  • Elmnopman%s's Photo
    hell yeah! I Remember seeing screens in a mag for this a while ago. It looks awesome, i need to update as well. This shit looks really good.
  • `sfkstyle%s's Photo
  • jhoffa%s's Photo
    Sure, it'll need a good GFX card.

    But it's still alpha. I'm sure the final will run better. Yeah.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Meh, Doom III will certainly be the best new graphics engine but Half-Life 2 has already got it beat for game of the year. I'll take a fully interactive environment, a good story, and intelligent AI over computer crippling graphics any day.
  • JFK%s's Photo

    Meh, Doom III will certainly be the best new graphics engine but Half-Life 2 has already got it beat for game of the year.

    Yes, Half-Life2 will kick serious ass.
    However, I'm looking forward to Deus Ex2, myself... The original was great, albeit a little clumsy.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    T.H.U.G. will rape them all.


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