• MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo
    Corona's Liampie topic inspired me.
    I am 100% sure that governments are trying to create the perfect super virus to reduce overpopulation.
    Of course, I'm not from the "stone age" but technology is destroying people is jobs.
    Entrepreneurs, perhaps without alternatives because of the "damned financial cost", increasingly buy machines and hire fewer people.
    It is the fault of governments that fail to maintain a balance between jobs & technology.
    Of course, technology is necessary in several areas, but for me in some it should be banned, because they take people's jobs.
    Do I really need a robot to paint cars automatically?
    Should I replace the bus collector with a machine?
    Should the subway be driven by a computer?
    Do you understand what I'm talking about?
    I watched a report talking about the problem of retired old people, who are no longer useful (absurd).
    Government hospitals and medical clinics are full of sick people, most of whom are unemployed.
    Chaotic problem of infrastructure and social chaos in general on the planet.
    Here in Brazil we have places where people live in a chaotic hygiene situation and there is no virus. (how is that possible?)
    Of course, part of Africa and other Latin American countries are in a very precarious hygiene situation, but I do not see a new lethal virus emerging.
    I am indignant, with the governments of our planet that hold the money and power, "fuck the people" (sorry for the word)
    Of course I'm not generalizing, I know that some countries are much better to live, evolved, just an outburst for the absurd things that are happening on our planet.

    (sorry my grammar)
  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo

    Corona's Liampie topic inspired 
    Of course, technology is necessary in several areas, but for me in some it should be banned, because they take people's jobs.


    This is stupid. Why have people doing pointless work just for the sake of them having a job? Banning technology just impedes progress, and that's never been a good thing. Automation means you can get the same end result with less labour, and so reduces the cost of the end product so more people can afford it.


    Prior to the industrial revolution, cotton was a luxury good only the rich could afford. Now it's cheap. And this same argument was made back then. Do you think the average person would be able to afford a car or a laptop if everything had to be made by hand? 


    It isn't even necessarily the case that automation reduces the demand for labour, because if the price of the end product falls the demand for it tends to increase, and advancements in technology create new jobs that didn't exist before.


    I have no idea what this has to do with a virus.

  • Ge-Ride%s's Photo

    The coming AI will change things to the point that people will be technologically enhanced or will no longer be the focus of society overall. This was not true of prior industrial developments. Since computers aren't yet conscious they aren't as big of a threat as they will become. But regardless of whether technology makes things cheaper, that doesn't matter if the people using it don't earn at least a living wage. Until AI completely outsmarts humans I can see them making a living at some sort of information jobs. Some people can work to improve Wikipedia and other wikis. Others can work as archivists for television and the internet. But there comes a point where people will no longer be the best even at tasks like this as the AI gets smarter and smarter.


    There's one other thing about economics that I want to bring up. That is that people in executive corporate positions and stockholders get a ridiculous amount of money through corporations charging more than the products are worth. If people earned what they deserved they would be much less wealthy, but their money would go much further since the products would be many times cheaper.


    I don't think that the Corona Virus was made in a lab or anything like that. I don't think that technology has evolved enough to make it possible quite yet.  

  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo

    I don't think that technology has evolved enough to make it possible quite yet

    I found this paper where they re-create the virus that caused the Spanish Flu. Seems to imply that the technology to synthesize a virus does exist, but I don't know that anyone has done it for the novel coronavirus - I'd imagine that it's easier to obtain samples from the wild than to make them in a lab.

  • Ge-Ride%s's Photo

    I found this paper where they re-create the virus that caused the Spanish Flu. Seems to imply that the technology to synthesize a virus does exist, but I don't know that anyone has done it for the novel coronavirus - I'd imagine that it's easier to obtain samples from the wild than to make them in a lab.


    Well I admit that I don't know an awful lot about genetics but it seems to me that if people were just barely learning how to edit a genetic code that it is more likely that the virus is natural. What I didn't consider is that they may have taken an existing virus and modified it to make it deadlier somehow. But I have no evidence to base that claim on so I can't just assume that to be true.

  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo
    Thank you for participating.
    I agree, your thinking is right, I understood your point of view, I am not against it.

    Throughout my life, I saw people being fired from companies because of technology, where there were 18 employees in a department, now they have 7 employees.

    I worked in the Human Resources area of ​​a company that planted coffee, sugar and orange, we cut 600 cold buoys (people who work in agriculture) in exchange for modern machines.
    But do prices remain high with the purchase of modern equipment? but hasn't technology improved costs?

    I worked with a businessman who said "people are costs" and fired 150 people who charged bus tickets at the turnstile, replacing them with computers (magnetic card to pay for tickets).

    Sorry what has CORONAVIRUS vs TECHNOLOGY to do? Responding:
    Never will everyone have the chance to study or graduate from university, at least here in Brazil it is expensive to go to university.
    Brazil is not left out, I do not trust any government.

    Sorry, I don't know the habits/customs in other countries, I hope you understand what I said.
    I don't want to be a rebel or retrograde, I just sad about the things I see.
  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo

    I've moved this thread to General Chat as it doesn't pertain to RCT Discussion.

  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo

    Well I admit that I don't know an awful lot about genetics but it seems to me that if people were just barely learning how to edit a genetic code that it is more likely that the virus is natural. What I didn't consider is that they may have taken an existing virus and modified it to make it deadlier somehow. But I have no evidence to base that claim on so I can't just assume that to be true.

    You said it well.
    I don't trust governments and I don't trust politicians.
    I like to read news and I have read absurd things about the increase in population and the problem of jobs. (it is like they are giving a discreet message)
    What I say is a testimony of a person who works in a laboratory that manufactures medicines. For example, generic drugs are not effective, they are palliative, sometimes resolve, sometimes not resolve. (the government gives us the generic medicine, at least here in Brazil this is how it is)
  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo

    opss sorry, thank you

  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo


    Sorry, what? I don't see a connection here.
  • savoytruffle98%s's Photo

    Eh, I don't think the virus itself is intentionally created. The better conspiracy is that almost every single country's reaction was "dear god think of the stock market!!" rather than trying to protect their people. I don't think EVERY country is guilty of this (Italy and South Korea have both been very proactive in trying to address this head on), but China's first reaction was to try to silence everybody about it and hope it would go away and did so for weeks. Here in the US we have politicians going on TV imploring people that this is no big deal and please keep spending your money in public. We've barely tested anybody at all, and the Trump administration's one and only concern is optics, that the inevitable stock market crash would make him look bad, so he's spent the last few weeks trying to convince everybody that NOTHING IS WRONG WE'RE GOOD :) while the people actually qualified to speak on that at the CDC and NIH are directly contradicting what he says. Can't wait to see how our best in the world (but only if you are wealthy) health system copes with that.

  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo
    Sorry, I'm looking crazy insane saying that technology and viruses go together.
    Ok, I will explain better what I meant: Our government is champion in corruption, Latin America is backward, we are called the 3rd world, underdeveloped, people without study, only 15% of the population has a university.
    We have always heard and seen that here in Brazil, technology is taking jobs, people are being replaced by robots and computers.
    So with more unemployment, social problems increase on a large scale.
    I cannot prove, but it is what we hear, that the government is looking for ways to decrease the population through large-scale diseases, birth control does not work.
    After many people die, then a new vaccine will appear.
    Here we say: New virus has become fashionable.
    Here in Brazil it is also said: that technology is increasingly causing unemployment and with that comes new diseases to decrease the population (that is why we talk TECHNOLOGY & VIRUSES WALK SIDE BY SIDE)
  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo

    Eh, I don't think the virus itself is intentionally created. The better conspiracy is that almost every single country's reaction was "dear god think of the stock market!!" rather than trying to protect their people. I don't think EVERY country is guilty of this (Italy and South Korea have both been very proactive in trying to address this head on), but China's first reaction was to try to silence everybody about it and hope it would go away and did so for weeks. Here in the US we have politicians going on TV imploring people that this is no big deal and please keep spending your money in public. We've barely tested anybody at all, and the Trump administration's one and only concern is optics, that the inevitable stock market crash would make him look bad, so he's spent the last few weeks trying to convince everybody that NOTHING IS WRONG WE'RE GOOD :) while the people actually qualified to speak on that at the CDC and NIH are directly contradicting what he says. Can't wait to see how our best in the world (but only if you are wealthy) health system copes with that.

    "The better conspiracy is that almost every single country's reaction was "dear god think of the stock market!!"
    OMG here speak the same.

    They say that CORONAVIRUS is a great marketing ploy, who will then sell a lot of medicine and vaccine, make a lot of profit.
    But it also serves to decrease the population of China and other countries, and say that Brazil needs to decrease the population (WTF!)
  • Timothy Cross%s's Photo
    There’s countless conspiracy theories from many countries and the blame is going every which way. It’s probably best not to make any conclusions just yet. We may not know for awhile, if ever. That or the world could end, who knows. I’m just happy to be right with God.
  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo

    Well I admit that I don't know an awful lot about genetics but it seems to me that if people were just barely learning how to edit a genetic code that it is more likely that the virus is natural. What I didn't consider is that they may have taken an existing virus and modified it to make it deadlier somehow. But I have no evidence to base that claim on so I can't just assume that to be true.

    The original Spanish Flu virus would have had a natural origin - IIRC, it is believed that it originally came from birds. But the virus is extinct, so these researchers reconstructed it in order to study it. They're not trying to make it more deadly, this isn't some bioweapons program. They want to understand what made the 1918 outbreak so devastating in the hope that it might help with future outbreaks.

    The new virus is a different type of virus and it's believed that it originated in bats, so I don't think this research is directly relevant, but it is interesting. Also interesting is this paper that pretty much predicted the whole thing.
  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo
    Yeah, you said it well.
    God says that there is a purpose for everything under the sky. :)
    So technology and viruses are needed for a final purpose.
  • mintliqueur%s's Photo

    Governments creating a virus to kill off people is a crazy conspiracy theory. Period. 


    Even if the corona virus had been artificially created in order to kill off people, it would have to be considered a failure, because the vast majority of those infected only get light symptoms equating to the common cold or a light case of the regular flu. Those who die are generally elderly people who already have other diseases, and so far the casualties have been a very low percentage of the total number of infected people (around 2-3% last time I checked). If a government really would have wanted to kill people off, it could have done so for less cost and with much greater chance of success through other means. 


    There are certainly legitimate reasons to be concerned and upset about the mechanisms of the world economy, about the spread of the corona virus, and also about the current Brazilian government. But in times like these it is VERY important not to fall victim to conspiracy theories, and even more important to not keep spreading them. Disinformation works just like a virus, and just as we all have a responsibility to try to prevent the virus from spreading, we also have a responsibility to prevent conspiracy theories from spreading. 

  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo

    Even if the corona virus had been artificially created in order to kill off people

    That's not what I said - I don't think anyone thinks that the new coronavirus was artificially created in order to kill people, and I think it's already established that the virus originally came from wildlife.


    We were discussing whether the technology exists to synthesize a virus, and I said I found a paper where some researchers re-created the Spanish Flu (which isn't a coronavirus) in a lab so they could study it. Nothing about killing people, that kind of research is done in special labs to prevent the virus getting out precisely because of the risk it could pose.


    I visited a lab that does research on infectious disease once (not anything as dangerous as Spanish Flu, they worked with diseases that affect livestock). They had a glass wall down the middle of their lecture room to separate the scientists who had been working with infectious agents from the rest, and they kept the labs under negative pressure to prevent pathogens leaking out.

  • Ge-Ride%s's Photo

    The original Spanish Flu virus would have had a natural origin - IIRC, it is believed that it originally came from birds. But the virus is extinct, so these researchers reconstructed it in order to study it. They're not trying to make it more deadly, this isn't some bioweapons program. They want to understand what made the 1918 outbreak so devastating in the hope that it might help with future outbreaks.

    The new virus is a different type of virus and it's believed that it originated in bats, so I don't think this research is directly relevant, but it is interesting. Also interesting is this paper that pretty much predicted the whole thing.


    Wow! I wonder whether there are many similarly deadly viruses because I'm trying to find a reason that they didn't spread the word.

  • mintliqueur%s's Photo

    X7123etc.: I wasn't responding to you, I was responding to MrTycoonCoaster's initial post where he wrote:


    I am 100% sure that governments are trying to create the perfect super virus to reduce overpopulation.


    This kind of thinking is completely irrational and is the type of conspiracy theory that's destructive and dagerous to spread under these circumstances. 


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