Ask the Experts / Tall Buildings

  • Dirk Pitt%s's Photo

    I always wanted to try to make taller buildings but when I try it always stop where the mouse stop at the top of rct 2 display screen, But when I saw that one realstic hotel (I frogot name) for the contest and it was taller than my Point Of View. So I'm asking how do I make it taller?
  • John%s's Photo
    You raise the land and then build the bottom afterwards. At least, that's how I've done things like that.
  • rwadams%s's Photo
    There are three things to do that I can think of.
    1. Change the screen resolution so you can see more of the map.
    2. Zoom out 1 level and keep building
    3. Or once you get good at using the Ctrl and shift keys. Hover the cusor over the highest piece you have built, press and hold the Ctrl key, Line up the objects, press shift to stack and keep building up.
    number three is the one I use. Hope this helps.

    Rog :)
  • John%s's Photo

    2. Zoom out 1 level and keep building

    When I've done that, I've actually had to move my mouse more to get it to go the same distance. ???
  • rwadams%s's Photo
    That is true, but it does give you a little more room to work with. Also I think it is harder to build zoomed out.

    Rog :)
  • cBass%s's Photo

    3. Or once you get good at using the Ctrl and shift keys. Hover the cusor over the highest piece you have built, press and hold the Ctrl key, Line up the objects, press shift to stack and keep building up.

    This is the way to go. It's so much easier when you get the hang of it. Practice.
  • Toon%s's Photo
    I agree about's by far the easiest way to build, but does take some parctice to get things lining up properly. If you really have a hard time with that go with the zoom out method. Raising the land seems like an overly complicated way to go about it, but I guess it would work too.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I get so confused with the stacking mechanics - I stack something, thinking it's in the right place, and it turns out (when I rotate) that it's miles off. And I always forget where I stacked walls, so when it comes to adding to them I miss :( And then I accidentally raise land, which deletes the scenery I placed there.

    Does building rides through buildings delete the walls too, like in rct?
  • California Coasters%s's Photo
    In RCT2? yup...

    I always either raise land, like John does, or get smallest revolution and zoon out, although IMO, Johns is easier... :peace:


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