General Chat / Official Return of the King Chat

  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Talk about the movie here if you want to include spoilers. That way, though who have seen it don't have to worry about spoiling it for those who haven't, since the spoiler warning is in the title.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    The Battle Of Pelennor Fields!

    Holy Shit!

    Seriously, the charge of the Rohirrim was fucking amazing. One of those 'shiver' moments.

    And I was pleasantly surprised at how they handled the whole mt doom/aftermath bit. I was preparing myself for cheese, but it was all pretty damn emotional.

    and LMAO at the:

    - aragorn enters tent
    - sees arwen like figure in cloak
    - thinks 'ooh!'
    - cloaked figure turns round
    - 'shit! it's elrond!'

  • gymkid dude%s's Photo
    There were a couple humorous gems in the movie. Like the flaming guy falling from the cliff. And Gimli.

    Um, the ending was TOO long. They faded out after they destroyed the ring. Wow, over. Nope! They get picked up by eagles. Fade out. Ready to go? Nope! They wake up in Rivendell. K. Phew. Nope! Let's go back to the shire! He gets married! He finishes the book. K, Fade out. Over. Nope! Now, they are going with the elves...or something dumb. OOh, lets hug EVERY FUCKING CHARACTER for 5 minutes each before getting on the damn boat, and then lets watch the boat slowly sail away before ending it.
  • A14504%s's Photo
    a question to the people who saw it:
    Is it worth seeing if ur not a LOTR freack?

    anyway I still think it's funny that they used the same commercial for #2 and 3....

    Lord of the rings....

    then a little clip of that Legalus-gimily guy doing a sword trick.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Yes it's worth it, dude.

    And gymkid - if you didn't like it just walk out! seriously, you can't expect them to just drop it as soon as the action is over. that's not how stories work.

    I guess if you didn't read the book then it may have seemed unnecessary, but if that pissed you off then you should be thanking your lucky stars they didn't include the scouring of the shire.
  • Rage%s's Photo

    Wait! No scouring of the shire! Fuck! I was looking forward to that. Go my hobbit army, go! Mwahahaha :w00t:
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo

    And gymkid -  if you didn't like it just walk out!  seriously, you can't expect them to just drop it as soon as the action is over. that's not how stories work.

    I never said I didn't like it, or that I wanted to walk out. I just said the ending was too long.

    Whateva. :(X
  • Rhynos%s's Photo
    my favorite scene, or selection of scenes was the entire Gondor war scene, that was just grande ass cool. ollephants (sp?) are just what i need as a pet. and the battering ram, perfecto! and how could i not mention the ghost army? someone should make an RCT style model of, um, crap. whats the name of that huge mountain city? anyway, that would be awesomely dandy if someone did. dont really have to put in ride either, just the city, or an interp of it.
  • sacoasterfreak%s's Photo
    The movie rocked. That was simply one of the best movies I've ever seen. The other two were made by the same people under the same titles. I can't wait to see the 5 hour special edition DVD. Where's Sharkey and Wormtongue?
  • Panoramical%s's Photo
    It was too long and boring. I actually fell asleep if i'm being honest. It was a great improvement from the first one: that nearly killed me. But some bits were okay, the special effects were good. But it was really long, and i thought it would end in several places, but it didn't and it dragged.
  • aero21%s's Photo
    The battle for Minus Tirus 9sp?) was definately the winner od "bad ass" moment of the movie. Just when you think Legolas cou;dn't be any more of a stud, he goes and takes down a whole oliphant. I felt the ending was very apropriate, i hate that modern movies give you action scenes followed by a hokie ending. I really didn't care how they ended it, but i'm glad it was done the way it was.
  • sacoasterfreak%s's Photo
    Aero, it's not like they had a whole lot of options with the ending, (besides comlpetely omitting the sharkey stuff,) remember, it is based off the books, and it stays very close to the story from the books...
  • \/\/33/\/\an%s's Photo

    And gymkid -  if you didn't like it just walk out!  seriously, you can't expect them to just drop it as soon as the action is over. that's not how stories work.

    I never said I didn't like it, or that I wanted to walk out. I just said the ending was too long.

    Whateva. :(X

    The end was too long indeed. Maybe would've been better without those stupid fade outs. I actually jumped up at the first fade.........

    Good movie stiII.
  • mantis%s's Photo

    Aero, it's not like they had a whole lot of options with the ending, (besides comlpetely omitting the sharkey stuff,) remember, it is based off the books, and it stays very close to the story from the books...

    He was saying he liked it!

    Going to see it again yay!
  • Panoramical%s's Photo
    Oh goody. Enjoy sitting in a seat watching paint dry for 4 Hours.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Bus didn't come so we watched Fellowship Of The Ring on video at home :D

    I guess they're not for everyone, but I think they're fucking amazing films. It's the music that does it, and that damned etched writing at the beginning...sends shivers down your spine!
  • Rage%s's Photo
    In Fellowship of the Ring. In the cornfeild scene. Theres a short shot were, if you look close enough. You can see a car drive past. lol.
  • vTd%s's Photo

    In Fellowship of the Ring. In the cornfeild scene. Theres a short shot were, if you look close enough. You can see a car drive past. lol.

    They digitially removed it for the DVDs.

    As for the film. Fucking amazing, as suspected. As a whole, Lord of the Rings whupped the ass of any other film trilogy ever made (including The Godfather, simply because GFIII was such a piece of ass).

    Best moment- Too many to count... but I'll list them tommorow when I'm more awake.

    Best of the year, and one of the best of the decade.

    Oh, and SA, no Sharkey. Scouring is completely out in all forms. The Voice of Saruman is being inserted back into the EE, and Saruman is going to die there (apparently at the hand of Grima).

    Honestly, I feel kind of sorry that some people cannot get attached to these things. Now that we've seen ROTK, it's all over and I feel kind of melancholic. Now it's time to blitz PJ so he comes back to direct and produce The Hobbit (it will happen, inevitably, as soon as New Line works out the rights with MGM... apparently New Line has the rights to MAKE the film, but MGM has the rights to DISTRIBUTE the film. It's weird as shit)
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    I thought the sticking point was getting rights to make any kind of film of the Hobbit. If it's just a studio problem, than it will happen eventually. They'll work something out, there's too much money involved not to.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Okay, I just saw the movie.

    And wow. I didn't realize it was three and a half hours (thought it was two), but it was well worth it. I understand why they completely cut Saruman out of the third film... they just didn't have enough time for him!

    The Battle at Pelleanor Fields was simply amazing, and the fell beasts were incredible. Picking up soldiers and then dropping them down hundreds of feet? Ouch. I cringed everytime the oliphaunts crushed someone else. I mean... poor horses! And Gimli gets the quote of the night. Legolas takes down a whole oliphaunt AND the people on it, AND slides down to make a totally cool landing with style.
    Gimli: "That only counts for one!"


    There were also some unintentional hilarious moments, too, mostly due to how some of the actors phrased their lines.

    Too bad they didn't go into Eowyn and Dethenor.

    Minas Tirith was incredible. So tall, so grand, it was nothing like I imagined and infinitely better. Cirith Ungol? *DROOL*

    Eye of Sauron: weird at first, but I guess they couldn't have done it any other way.

    Notice that the orcs were marching as Frodo et al began their climb up the Steps. They near the top. Orcs STILL marching. Damn.

    The dead army was crazy, and Aragorn's arrival was exactly how I pictured it. Orcs mumbling about them being late, and then... uh oh. Goodbye Irene.

    Finally, I'm glad they ended the movie just as they did the book.

    "Well, I'm back."


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