General Chat / Stereotypes

  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    Stereotypes. There are all kinds of stereotypes. Stereotypes of southerners fucking their cousins, stereotypes of Australians talking like Steve Erwin, stereotypes of Southern Baptists being Bible thumpers, or stereotypes of gothics being evil bastards who want to kill themselves constantly. Well, its stereotypes that lead me to being racist.

    It's quite sad, too. You have good people like Martin Luther King who are (or were) great speakers and leaders. Then you have bad people like a majority of rappers who don't give a fuck except about money and sex and al this shit. Well I bet anything that sex and money was not what Martin Luther King dreamed about. Well, everyone dreams about sex but thats not the point.

    I have black friends who don't act like ass holes or constantly making fun of everything they see. Some of my black friends I can hardly understand and talk in that lingo like "you dog, thats krunk!" but they are still very good people. I find very few black people like that. The majority of black people I see are complete assholes who are only there to have fun and don't give a fuck about anything else. It really ticks me off. They act up in class, keeping the teacher from teaching and the students from learning. They think the enemy is the police (aka the po po). They are distructive and put graffiti all over the place. They steal. If you don't act like them then they make fun of every little thing you do, even stuff that is good! They just don't care.

    The other day, after exams, me and my sister were coming out of the school parking lot and I saw some black guy and his friends push over this police-woman's bike, spilling papers (that were most likely important) all over the place. Then they laughed and laughed. HAHAHA. That was really funny! How about I throw all your rap lyrics all over your yard? That will be hilarious! :| Jackass. Then came one of the good black people. He started picking up the folders so me and my sister went out there and helped him :) . Guess what? The cop actually gave us a dollar a peice for doing that. Sure its only a dollar but we just got paid because those other black guys were assholes. Now thats funny.

    Just a little earleir that day, some fucker stole my walkman. I know it was a black person because all of the white people in there are very good friends of mine and they knew that if anyone stole something from me then I would search the fucker down and kick their ass. Well, I found the fucker (black guy who didn't give a shit) and very nicely slammed his face into the brick of the school after class :) . That walkman costed me $60 dollars out of my own pocket. I earned that damn money. He didn't earn that money. He earned himself a good beating and I gladly deliverd it. They don't give a fuck about other's property and possesions except maybe "Damn, yo! That shit is hot!" and having it for themselves.

    One day I was wearing, well, what I usually wear. Hard to describe really. Just normal clothes. This group of black guys made fun of my clothes. Well, I just laughed back in their faces because they were the ones wearing bagy pants, bagy shirts, doo rags, and big boots. They looked like clowns. Funny. Another time, these black girls were all dressed up in this slutty clothing, one of the girls being fat, and walking in these high heels flirting with everyone. Good lord, this was not King's dream at all. This was his nightmare! These girls are just as scary as Michael Jackson. WOO. Uh. I can't talk about this anymore. Moving on.

    So this is mostly what makes me racist. Its a stereotype. Yes, there are white people who act like this too but the majority of white people I notice arn't like that. The majority of black people are like that. Its very very sad. There are all of these wonderful, polite, respectable black people out there who's are the greatest friends ever and their image is being ruined by all these other fuckers. Even more sad, they are making their hero's death, Martin Luther King jr., in vain.

    [EDIT: Made paragraphs for Doc because I love him and theres a stereo type that British people need paragraphs to read]
  • Micool%s's Photo
    Despite all your arguing, all Australians do talk exactly like Steve Irwin.
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    actually, when I went to austarlia, very few did so. I woudln't be ashamed of it anyways. I think they talk cool.
  • Critic%s's Photo
    You must not get out enough if you don't think a large majority of white teens do the exact same thing as the stereotyped blacks you described do.

    That, and all regions are different, so....
  • Turtleman%s's Photo
    Metal, just listen to these prank calls.

  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    I'm just noticing from my region. I've been to New York. I hated all those people there except for this cool woman in the mall.
  • Janus%s's Photo
    Just stop thinking like "black people" and "white people" and just accept that every single one of them, regardless of skin colour, is "people".
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    thats how I think of my black friends. "people". but every one else. well, you know.
  • Critic%s's Photo

    Just stop thinking like "black people" and "white people" and just accept that every single one of them, regardless of skin colour, is "people".

    This is exactly how I view it!

    It's stupid for people to seperate other people because of race.
  • iris%s's Photo
    I hate racist assholes like you.
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    this title kicks so much ass.
  • Doc%s's Photo
    I read the first few lines before bursting out in laughter.

    You think that it's just black people who want to have a good time? How deluded you are, and if you think that's a bad thing, you're a bit of a ponce.

    Ban him (click the link)
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo

    You think that it's just black people who want to have a good time?

    I guess you didn't get it.
  • Janus%s's Photo
    It's you who doesn't get it. Don't generalize.
  • Doc%s's Photo

    [EDIT: Made paragraphs for Doc because I love him and theres a stereo type that British people need paragraphs to read]

    This is true.

  • TheGuardian%s's Photo
    In some askwed way i see what your coming, but if what i'm thinking is what your thinking of what you were trying to say, than you wrote that entire post the wrong way. which i don't agree with.

    I live in Minnesota, at Farmington High and its almost 96% white, but here's the problem they all live in their little town's world, and any stranger "such as me the newbie in town, and most of my friends" are outcasts, but guess what? I don't give a shit.

    If the people in your region who are black act this way, and you think ALL of them do you've got to open up your mind a little and besides. if they REALLY are like that, you should'nt have to care what they'll end up like, you be you, and enough with the thinking that all blacks are like that over the internet world.

    the way you wrote that was racist, but it also sounded like you were the sterotypical minority white in a black majority school.

    I'm just gonna drop it there.
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    I guess your right. I wrote it wrong.
  • Doc%s's Photo
    For the many people who missed the link, let me post it again:

    Think Metal should be banned?
  • Rage%s's Photo
    You need to get your head sorted!

    Not you Doc ;)X
  • Bender902%s's Photo
    Well, even though I hate racist people and believe everyone should try a little harder to get along with everyone a better, I see where your coming from. I think the fact that they are different from you brings it out a little, but it wouldn't if they were white. Yes their are equal amonuts of people who do these sort of things from both races, I seem to see it more in the black people I see. There is one thing that pisses me off about black civil rights leaders in my city. The believe that everyone is out to get them and every thing in life is unfair to them. They all want special rights, not equal rights. They all say that cops are racists and they are all out to get them. If they didn't get themselves inot the situation in the first place their would be no reason the have "excessive force" which i think is a load of bullshit anyway. What is the cop supposed to do when they are being attacked. Now I'm justr rambling. I know I am not racist and some of my best friends are black. But sometimes their civil rights "leaders" take it to far. most of the time these "leaders are talking for a small minority of blacks. Maybe they should see how "their" people feel before they go protesting about what they want. Thats just my thoughts...they probably went astray a little,....but...



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