General Chat / inspector dies on the job

  • Super_Shadow%s's Photo
    before SFMM opened an inspector was inspecting the cyclone and he got hit by one of the trains, when i heard this i was 1/2 asleep and i saw it on the tv that must have sucked to die like that or die in your pluto costume
  • zach%s's Photo
    Look. That makes no sense.

    If you are going to post news, include a link to the news article.
  • yyo%s's Photo
  • John%s's Photo


    Yeah, she died in a Pluto costume because Six Flags has the rights to use Disney characters.
  • RCTNW%s's Photo
    Also, the ride was "Scream" and not "Cyclone". Scream is the newest ride at SFMM
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    It doesn't really make sense though.. unless the person was drunk. In order to get struck by a floorless coaster, you would need to be standing on the track. Why would an employee in a Pluto costume (entertainer) be standing on a coaster track? They weren't inspecting the ride.. because they weren't a mechanic. Fishy.

    EDIT: Forget that post.. and excuse my naive-ness!
  • zach%s's Photo
    psst: She wasn't wearing a pluto costume.
  • yyo%s's Photo

    She wasn't wearing a pluto costume.

  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    Those coasters are dead silent though.
    Reminds me of Dawn of the Dead, you know where that guy gets hit by the car?
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    SCREAM is anything but silent. It's got the trademark B&M Roar.

    And for the record to anyone who is still confused by Shadow's LSD-induced jarble, a SCREAM! ride op was hit by a train and killed last week while she was doing brake inspections.
  • gir%s's Photo

    Those coasters are dead silent though.
    Reminds me of Dawn of the Dead, you know where that guy gets hit by the car?

    ^ Yep. You would without a doubt know if a train was dispatched. You'd have to be numb or something not to, and deaf.
  • John%s's Photo
    Ugh... Pluto won't be visiting a Six Flags park ever.
  • lazyboy97O%s's Photo
    He's was talking about the guy at Magic Kingdom some time ago that was dressed as Pluto for the parade and was crushed by the float. I think it was supposed to be a comparison.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Well if you worked at the ride everyday for hours at a time, I think you would start to get used to the sound to such an extent that it becomes subconscious. Wherever this person was working, they probably thought they weren't in the way of the coaster and maybe even weren't watching it. Employees should know which areas not to enter when the ride is operating under any circumstances and they should know when the ride is operating. How such a miscommunication can occur is rather mystifying (well until I remember what Six Flags ride ops are like). Add this to the recent collision at Thunder Mountain and the fatal accident there last year and it's distressing how lazy people have become about safety at these parks. They really should take those procedures more seriously.
  • gir%s's Photo

    Well if you worked at the ride everyday for hours at a time, I think you would start to get used to the sound to such an extent that it becomes subconscious. Wherever this person was working, they probably thought they weren't in the way of the coaster and maybe even weren't watching it.

    Wow. I just thought of the movie Roller Coaster. That did take place at Magic Mountain after all... ;)

    I'm pretty sure you would hear or feel it or something Ed. But yeah, this would be a case of miscommunication, despite the fact that this person for some reason didn't recognize that the ride was in operation. Supposedly while in testing during the morning they have a buzzer or an alarm or something that tells employees there has been a dispatch. However, I know nothing about Six Flags operations or SFMM operations.
  • Brent%s's Photo
    It was a global person... she was a dumbass, didn't know how to read and such.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    It was a global person... she was a dumbass, didn't know how to read and such.

    You are an insensitive, blubbering idiot.
  • Brent%s's Photo
    I Posted Image you too. Now go away and finish that shitty wds park you have. Hip hip.

    EDIT: Oh, you're so good... member title action, jeez, i'm so not hurt. Shouldn't your asian ass be out crashing your rice rocket into some center divider?
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    Hey Elfboy, go back to your fucking pussy emo concerts in the middle of the SoCal suburbs, no one likes you here anyway.
  • John%s's Photo
    Brent, kill your worthless self and be done with it.


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