Ask the Experts / What's up with the interface??

  • Koaster Kid%s's Photo
    Anyone know what's wrong with the shortcut bar on the right of the homepage? The links "NE Parks", "H2H - Head2head", "Park Wars", and "Misc NE" don't do anything. Have yo guys not moved the info form the old site yet, or are the links just not working?

    No offence, but it's kinda silly just having them do nothing. I mean, I know that you are busy, but please fix it!

    I'd much rather have a park list than another competetion or h2h.

    Please, for the sake of your members.

    8@ :'(
  • Caddie Gone Mad%s's Photo
    The pages aren't up yet, dumbass.

    Iris and the gang can't do everything instatntly. They won't be up for a while anyways.
  • PyroPenguin%s's Photo
    Basically, and on some stuff like parkwars there isnt much to put there yet. The names are just up there to make the interface look more complete and show whats to come... nothing wrong with that.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    You jost gotta come to conclusions sometimes kid....
  • Tyler%s's Photo
    Yes. Adix is lazy. He should get those up sometime...

    Or are we still on strike?
  • Koaster Kid%s's Photo
    Ok, sorry. I was just wondering. I thought they just might not be working, but obviously I was wrong.

    Silly me :rolleyes:


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