Park Wars / Best Park Voting Change.

  • Tyler%s's Photo
    Due to constant bitching by myself and others at NE, iris has permitted me to change the Best Park voting system.

    Here's how it works:

    There will be two different waves of votes for parks: The first will be the preliminary round, which all the parks are entered in (if you didn't make that connection, you are stupid). The second will be the top half of the vote getters... yes. The winner of this will get the 20 points. HOWEVER! All of the other parks in the second vote get 10 points.

    For instance, in the current vote there are 16 parks (where the fuck are the other ones?! Lazy bastards...). 8 Parks will move on and get plus 10 points. The winner will get another 10 points, bringing the winning bonus to 20 points.

    So, what does this accomplish? We get less pricks voting for their own crappy little parks and come close to eliminating monopolies of certain park chains. It just takes out some bias.

    This only applies to the BEST PARK voting system.

    Any questions?



    Also, in the event of a LANDSLIDE vote in round one, there will be no need for another vote... the other top voted parks will also get 10 points

    Yes, I moved my own topic. SO BOTH FORUMS HAVE A LINK TO IT!!!


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