News / NE State of the Union Address

  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Just to clarify, this is what iris said:

    "I have decided to make a bi-monthly requirement for all NE Parkmakres to post at least one screen every two months of whatever they are working on."

    Some people are just not advertisers, and that's fine. But if you're working on something, even a little bit, posting one screen every two months is not a big deal at all. It takes only a couple minutes and it shows the site that you're not just a name, but actually making parks (and that's what a parkmaker is after all right? Someone who makes parks?) If you're working on something, then you're not inactive. I mean I haven't released an actual park since Egyptopia but since then I was still active for awhile. But then I'm not a good example either cause I'm really retired (except for H2H3).
  • Janus%s's Photo
    The only problem I can find with that is if the parkmaker has been working on a contest entry or something (like h2h3 parks), and can't show that because it has to be secret... But other than that, a screen every 2 months shouldn't be a problem, really.
  • PyroPenguin%s's Photo
    Ditto what Ed said. I know I kinda dropped off the face of the Earth, but I really had to. I think one of the reasons for the decline in real spotlight candidates is the sucess of the site, the continous contests and extra activities that are avaliable here. I had bitten off way more than I could chew on a shrinking time table and just got burnt out. You get a great new idea in response to a contest prompt, and suddenly you are bored with the park you have been working on for the last three months and scrap it. I know some parkmakers can handle this, but you older legends are getting into times in their lives when they have far more going on, and taking a full blown park all the way through with the level of content and innovation that lives up to their own personal standards is enough to last anyone a fair chunk of time.

    It is really admirable that you have continued to hold the high standards of the spotlight intact despite a drought of quality parks, but I would make sure the label of parkmaker is also being preserved. I'm not saying that it hasn't, but in desperation for a spur of new parks I could see it happening. A sliming of the list would not be uncalled for at all, but don't rush to replace thoes you boot.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Don't worry, Matt. That ain't happenin'. Stay tuned for details. ;)
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    sfk was banned?!?


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