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  • aaaaaaaand SCENE.
  • This thread perfectly illustrates why I don't really visit or post here that often anymore.

    1. There's just too much jealousy-fueled baiting and flaming.

    2. RCT1 & 2 are boring to me now that I've seen the future. It may not be perfect yet, but being able to fully experience you parks in RCT3 makes up for the lag and lack of scenery.

    While many of the peeps (n00bs) on the Atari boards are new to the franchise, they are - for the most part - a lot more polite and helpful in their comments and criticsisms than the peeps on NE.

    NE is sort of turning into NASA - a group of the some of the best minds and talent, that has become so wrapped up in it's own culture, that it can't really be effective anymore. Turning a blind eye to the outside groups that are making leaps and bounds over it, while insisting on hanging on to the past and refusing to accept new developements and procedures is a recipe for extinction.

    It's truly unfortunate how Trix is being treated here. Seriously - after all he's done for the art of RCT. The ignorance is astounding and disappointing.

    Trix, I'll look for your park on the Atari boards. What's the thread link, if you've posted it yet? I spend almost all of my RCT3 internet time there, reading the 2000 odd posts in the Custom Scenery thread, trying to learn how to help improve the game.
  • Hey guys,

    I finally finished Chapter 1. It's available for download HERE

  • Hi everyone. First, an apology to anyone (Trix) who was hoping for new screens in this post. Sorry to disappoint. I just wanted to let you all know that the park's not abandoned, but is definitely on hold while I look into the new possibilities of custom scenery and the new expansion pack coming out. I thought long and hard about whether I was going to just continue work on it and make it an "RCT3 - 1" park, using only the original given scenrey and have everyone ooh and ahhh over how I got it to look within the limitations of that version. And, after much reflection and soul searching, I decided I only want to do this once, and I want it to look as realistic as possible, possibly even to the point of modeling all the buildings in Lightwave or Max and importing them into the game. The thought of how that would look in-game, walking and flying around the park made me giddy. So there you have it. Don't expect any new screens for a while,, but rest assured that when you do, it will blow your mind.

    Thanks for your patience! I assure you it will be worth the wait.

  • Man, you guys are too much. I'm glad that those of you who have watched the Teaser enjoyed it! The narrator is Peter Cullen of The Transformer's Optimus Prime fame (and others, like being the Voice of NBC)

    Anyway, glad you like it. Spread the word!