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  • It's ok, the thread was in danger of becoming relevant again. Most of the time the best way to deal with unabashed trolling is to just ignore it. Is there a function on the forums for just ignoring certain users and not have to see their posts? NE seems way more hostile than it used to be and it seems like some particular users are responsible for a great deal of it.
  • Yes thanks indeed rrp.

    I am slowly and gradually learning all the possibilities offers. I am still in many ways an LL parkmaker, but I am excited about the opportunities rct2 offers for theming. As I discover them and figure out new tricks, I keep going back over older areas in the park and redoing them. It's a slow an gradual process, but I'm hoping that by the time the whole park is finished, it has a unique style that NE isn't used to. Thanks for the tips.

    As for the B&M theming, are you talking about the supports? I do have that scenery pack in my park, but I'm still trying to figure out how to use it in a way that fits my aesthetic. I'm working on a design with the sole purpose of learning how to use them in pleasing ways, but until I am satisfied with that, they probably won't appear in screenshots of the park proper.

    Again thanks though.
  • People from any given country are often bothered by other countries' national pride, patriotism, or nationalism, just like fans of any sports team find the opposing fanbase foolish. The United States has a lot to be proud of, as does Europe, and neither would be what they are today without the other. The successfulness and righteousness of either are not mutually exclusive.

    The American patriotism shown in that area of the park is line line with the character of Captain America. However, I tend to agree with Liampie that that color scheme/theme/attitude can be rather gaudy, so it isn't an extensive area. You simply cant have a Marvel lineup without including the Cap.

    That being said, let's try to steer away from the obvious trolling. I don't want this thread to turn into a Youtube comment section.
  • Now that I'm looking at these as screenshots and not as an actual park (and not being absorbed in actually building these things) I don't like the look of that roof at all and it will probably get an overhaul before release.
  • Well without giving away too many details about the park or the area itself, I was pretty iffy about whether or not I wanted to do a war zone theme in a theme park. I figured with the popularity of first person shooters and war movies and the like in the real world, it wouldn't be that far-fetched for a theme park to try to capitalize on that market. It isn't a bloody, realistic, allies-versus-nazis war zone with dead bodies strewn around, it's more of a comic book style Captain America-versus-The Red Skull kind of cartoonish war.


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