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  • A contest during winter/early-spring would be cool. :)

    A contest soon while I'm on break would be perfect... I need a reason to play RCT again.
  • 2008 Scion xd. I looove it.

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  • My issue is organized religion. Believing something and being part of a group just because your parents and friends have told you so. I have no problems with people who believe in a higher power or are religious, but when someone tells me that they don't like something because, "it's wrong" or "the bible says so," It bothers me. It just seems like the spreading of like ideas through organized religion just strangles any creative and individual thinking that could have come from so many.

    And now onto my rant... I think the reason for it being "hip" to be atheist is partly because it is becoming more acceptable for people to come out as atheist or different. It is still considered taboo in most places though. There is still the stereotype that being atheist means that one is immoral, does drugs, is an alcoholic, etc. I know when I tell people I'm atheist, they look at me with that "omg you can't say that word out loud!" face. I shouldn't feel ashamed or bad about what I most closely classify myself as.
  • Whatever. At least our dragon works. just sayin'.
  • I loooved it! The movies are getting further away from the books because the books got longer. It happens, and I Think they have done their best thus far to make the continuity in the movies work.

    Really, the only major things that were left out of the movie were bill and fleur's engagement, which seems odd since the last book begins at their wedding, and the big fight at the end. I kind of understand why though. Bill hasn't played much of a role in any of the films.

    Oh, and what was with the Burrow randomly bursting into flames? That whole scene should have never happened.


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