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Blood of Mortal Angel
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  • Rct Flame, you seen to always take pictures of a large amounts of water on screen.  :lol:

    I think it looks good. Simple, yet very pleasing to the eye. I say cut down on toon's bushes. Those are being so overused in everyone's parks it's getting very boring and starting to look ugly. I also hate those 1/4 trees with a passion.

    Other than that, I think it's good. Keep up the good work.

    They got ugly and overused after the first park released with them.

  • I love "smells like teen spirit".

    Its interesting when one person affects so many in thier life and death. And yes, its a pity he married courtney. Shes more fucked up then he is...

    And then theres the child... :'(
  • Hmm....there are other great parkmakers out there that aren't on that list...just keep that in mind...

    Kai  :rolleyes:

    *brings out the "kai for hall of fame" poster*

    You can't help but put him on there. "The Clubs man", Glasshouse, the forge. Hes like the mindfuck guy... Only he pulls it off nicely. ;)
  • I love Eminem...

    The "gay/poppy" songs are usually fairly brilliant as well - it seems when Em does one of those, he shoves a tampon up someones ass, plonks them in the bath and photographs it.
    Certainly i can see objection to his lyrics, some of them are very blunt, but they tell it like it is, and generally i think they're more "socially positive" then most of todays other music. Teaching little girls to break peoples hearts isn't good, telling people this world is a fucked up piece of shit is.
    And yes; Stan is great. Especially as they brought Dido in, that made it A. ) softer. And B. )The message in his lyrics much harsher.

    As for those "GLAAD" idiots, they need to learn to see where the message comes from. I'm bisexual, and i have no problem with him telling them where to put it. He doesn't hate guys, i know that; Elton John knows it - it seems everyone but them know it...

    *gets out the "support eminem" banner* :yup:
  • Well, I can take that from people whos work I have actually seen and I know that what they are saying is true.  But coming from a nOOb with only 14 posts and whos work I haven't seen.  I just don't think that I can see where you are coming from.

    Just because i have 14 posts doesn't make me a Newbie. I've been in this community on and off since 2000. Making my debut at RCT Station when it was at Game Tropic. Don't make an idiot out of yourself. Your parkmaking skills will do that for you.


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