Rollerblade%s's Photo
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  • United States United States

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  • I have a question about the "movie" you can take of parks. When I hit F11 to do this my computer slows to a crawl. Is this how .mov files are made?
  • From whom did you hear that Gamestop is releasing a Beta demo? How does one go about getting it?

    Inquiring minds want to know.
  • NVIDIA Quadro FX 500.

    Very smooth. I can run the demo at Extreme setting with no frame rate drop.
  • After farting around with this thing for about 2 hours, I was able to build a suck ass kiddie coaster, and a really lame looking station around it. The build tools are very clunky and you can't place walls or fences on a space where a path is (so you can't "stack" fences next to each other, to create a "double fence" effect, which is stupid).

    It's also really tough to navigate without any type of "grid" to give you ref points. Connecting pathways on uneven terrain is a nightmare.

    The game definitely could be used to create some great spots here....but it will take a TON of patience. The learning curve has been reset to 0 for all parkmakers. I don't know who at Atari thought this control interface was easy, but they should be shot.

    But....nighttime sure does look spectacular.


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