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  • I believe its a fast food kinda like Burger King or something. We don't got them in NJ here either.

    Steak N shake 2:30AM  5 way chili rocks!

    It is WAY better than burger king. The reason it takes so long is because all of their food is frest. There are none of those pull out tray thingys full of patties like McDonnald's. Their shakes are real ice cream unlike that fake stuff that other fast food places have. Their fries are also cut right on the spot with one of those potato fry cutter thingys.

    I like the 4x4 with everything. My mouth is watering already....
  • Ill make a whole list of ones I would love to see in time warp.

    - Parachute drop
    - chance chaos
    - Zamperla power surge
    - chance inverter
    - chance wipeout
    - chance zipper
    - zamperla mixer
    - intamin gyro swing (no pic)
    - huss frisbee
    - huss jump2
    - zamperla rotoshake also known as hammerhead at knott's
    - zamperla revolution

    Even though I doubt these will be in the game it would be really neat to have them.
  • Posted Image

    heres me and my friend on the front seat of TTD. Im the one on the left with the spiky brown hair and my friend is the one on the right with the bleached sort of spiky hair. My face looks weird since myeyes were watering from the speed of the wind and the wind was pushing my face back.
  • Bad Habit by Offspring :devil:
  • Un pluging it wouldnt help if it was already in your hard drive. Man that sucks so bad. I hope I never get it because I have so many files on my computer and stuff.

    SFMMXtreme :|''''


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