Scott.S%s's Photo
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  • You'd rather somebody openly say they hate trans people than tiptoe around pronouns because they're supportive and don't want to offend you? What a tragically self-deprecating view of life.

  • I hear wire coathangers are making a comeback?

  • [ntamin22' timestamp='1407482875' post='643344']

    Excellent work and really great composition.  The composite stuff is really nice in particular, but I feel like almost all of those would be better off without the heavy vignetting and "vintage" tan wash over top.  You're losing so much visual information when you limit color and contrast like that.


    All depends on what you're using the shots for and there's a significant personal taste factor, but with the kind of shots you're taking it almost feels like an injustice to ignore the color contrasts you could be seeing.



    Thanks :) I admit my "style" is definitely not to everyone's liking, but there is a certain amount of artistic license in everything I shoot. When I did product photography a year or two ago I was careful to make the colors as accurate and true to life as possible (scopes everywhere...), but now my job allows me tons of artistic license and since it mostly goes to print (I work for a magazine in Seattle), the colors are toned with the end print result in mind (the designers at my previous job used to take my images and color correct them after I had spend hours working on them in LR and PS; the frustration of that knew no bounds).


    Heavy contrast often tends to clash with the work the graphic designers do and makes it difficult to put type on top of an image, so there's a certain degree of "mutedness" to the shots. 

    But yes, I do see what you mean on a lot of them. At a certain point I just chalk it up to a stylistic choice :)

  • Well, he is a professional photographer (prick).





    And thank you guys :) Appreciate it. 

  • Oh yay! Photography thread!



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