X Louis%s's Photo
X Louis
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  • United Kingdom United Kingdom

  • guests would make this look a lot more lively*

  • That's got a unique look and color scheme. I actually really like the colors. I'd add some more buildings with a purpose (cafe, gift shop, etc) to balance it out. Maybe experiment with colors for buildings, like a white stucco. The aqua accent color is nice as well.

    Nice work!
    thanks for the nice words :) ill be sure to add more architecture in and probably redo half of the paths.

  • The applegreen works out so damn good here.

    The foliage feels a little... uhh... too diverse, I think? It doesn't look all that natural. I love the station though. 


    Good to have you back on the site again. Keep it up.

    stations the best part for me and yep the foilage is probably what i'm worse at. Ill definitely have a look.

  • I remember this :p


  • Try it with the Mekong palette.

    not been here in a while, whats the mekong pallete lol


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