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  • Fraroc, while I have no history with you, the general consensus here is correct. You're expecting feedback without giving much for people to work with. It's hard to comment on screens without a full picture. It's like if a realtor tried explaining to me what a house looked like without me seeing it. I can't be expected to buy something I have only a slight idea about.

    Work hard on one section, theme it, and make sure it's literally picture perfect. Then you can fairly expect some helpful feedback. :)
  • rctfreak2000-Thanks for the tips. I am going to try and adjust the ending of the coaster. As for the blue roof...I think it looks really good as a whole.

    dr dirt-Thanks. The foilage is being worked on(it's in the beginning stages). As for the footers I will see what I can do.

    Good luck :)
  • Curious to see the entire flying turns layout. Love the classic feeling though.

    Completely agree with Liampe, however. The "realistic" approach to surrounding the queue with random fencing isn't translating well in RCT for you. Noble attempt, but in this configuration, it's not working.

    Good work!
  • I'm definitely perplexed. Your system must be amazing for this park not to be lagging.

    Will the park contain rides or is this an atmospheric project for you? Either way, very nice work.
  • The screenshot doesn't give enough perspective for a comment that would be of much help to you.

    From what I can see, the ending turns on the coaster seem a bit rough depending on the train's speed (which would probably be fairly decent coming out of a corkscrew). Perhaps reworking the end of the layout would be a good idea.

    The blue on the roof seems a bit bright, but I can't actually give you much of a review there without seeing more of the area.


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