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  • where can i get some custom roofing?
  • 1. What the hell are the twins? what kind of program?
    Programs written by the French guy whose title I can't spell.  They kicked ass... I was so disappointed when they died.  I hope they come back.

    I think they were those programs that had gone bad like the Oracle said. That's just my guess.
  • I didnt like the movie very much. Even with all the action it seemed very boring and drawn out. I kept sitting there saying to myself "get on with it already". Was it me or did everyone except Neo seem helpless? In the first one Trinity and Morpheus are the shit and in this one they cant do anything without Neo. And the guy from OZ with the dreds was annoying just like on OZ.

    The best part of the movie was the end when the credits rolled and "calm like a bomb" came on. I did like the end it made me guess what would happend in the 3rd and how Neo did what he did...blah,blah,blah. I'm gonna watch some of the Animatrix movies and see if it makes Reloaded any better.
  • not bad. I dig the B&M!


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