Park / Pharao

Park_1557 Pharao Park_1557 Pharao


  • mantis%s's Photo
    I hated that underground turn before the big half loop/corkscrew. Eugh.
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    ed: you and your damn binary oppositions! :@ ;)

    As for the topic...

    I'm pretty sure posix is referring to me. You know, cuz I'm a noob and all. I'm also an immature, shallow, 2 second attention span AMERICAN who would have been better off in a certain building that went down a few years back... so he's probably using that as further proof of my ineptitude, I guess he's not far off though. After all, I DO suck at this game. Verily.
  • posix%s's Photo
    really blitz, i never thought you'd be that unforgiving. i could say i find it childish, however i'm afraid you'll only get going more from that. just get over it. and let me see your online status on aim again so we can talk things over. how would you like that?

    and i wasn't adressing you, baka.
  • Micool%s's Photo
    I think blitzsumo had a bad day.
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    The failed attempt version was MUCH better than the final version imo.

    The landscaping in the failed attempt was brilliant.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Neither version blew me away, personally I like the aborted attempt better as I found the red flowers far more fitting with the coaster colors and land textures. The trees in the complete version were also a disaster imo. Otherwise both versions were nice.

    On the rct discussion I could act offended just like everyone else because I really did play for praise for quite a long time. However that along wasn't enough for me to finish IO. I think anyone who sticks with the game long enough will eventually run into a project that is more than they can finish on the modivation of praise. I got through with side projects and other (non-rct) things that I found enjoyment rather than praise in. That's where you find yourself trying to build things that you can look back on and enjoy. For the longest time I built to get the park done before the standards went up, now I just build what I want/enjoy because that's better than any rush job.

    But then again I built things that I was happy with at the time back then, now I build things I believe I'll be happy with in a year or two to come.

  • Blitz%s's Photo
    posix: You've been unblocked for some time now, but my AIM name has changed.

    I'm just tired of your arrogance, honestly. I'm tired of being treated like naive trash, I'm tired of how any excuse to look down on others is a good one to you, and I'm tired of corresponding with someone whose only fluent language is that of condescension.

    And I'm done talking about it in public. Get my new SN out of corky or iris if you want to say something.

    And no, micool, I probably haven't had the best day. I guess that also contributes to me being good old-fashioned knee-jerk over-indulgent american trash. Go figure.
  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    Wow easy boys, i thought this was coming to a close, but i come back to it being worse than before lol. No need to make this personal at all. How about we return to basics and Enjoy (or not enjoy for some of you) the design? And maybe some1 can comment on my other design because its gotten 150 views to the thread with 1 post :-\ lol. Go Go Plugs!
  • trav%s's Photo

    posix: You've been unblocked for some time now, but my AIM name has changed.

    I'm just tired of your arrogance, honestly. I'm tired of being treated like naive trash, I'm tired of how any excuse to look down on others is a good one to you, and I'm tired of corresponding with someone whose only fluent language is that of condescension.

    And I'm done talking about it in public.  Get my new SN out of corky or iris if you want to say something.

    And no, micool, I probably haven't had the best day.  I guess that also contributes to me being good old-fashioned knee-jerk over-indulgent american trash.  Go figure.

    I guess it's that time of month...

    Back to the park thing. The failed attempt was looking much better than the final one.
  • posix%s's Photo
    honestly, the failed attempt made me feel terrible when building because so many things went wrong.
    but anyway. forgot to mention that yyo was correct about the missed theme. it turned out way too jungle-ish to be called "pharao". i thought i'd have to change the name but you know, who really is good at naming, so i didn't bother. also the trees aren't so good, that's true. i chose them because i didn't want objects other than from the egyptian or jungle section. i wanted it pure. the main reason why they look shit is though that they are... fillers, yes. fillers suck. i've ultimatively realised that with this design.
  • Toon%s's Photo
    Posix, you are so wrong about fillers. They don't suck. They are the glue that holds the true elements of the park together. If done well they also skillfully guide the eye of the viewer to the elements of the park which you are wanting them to look at. They are absolutely necessary in every park to some degree. I really think your looking at filler the wrong way.
  • trav%s's Photo
    This is gonna sound stupid, but what is a filler? ???
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    ^ It's something to take up space in your park when you don't know what else to put there.

    But actually, the more I look at this design, the more I like it. I don't think it'll ever be one of those spectacular ones, but still nice to look at.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    I like it.
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    Posix, you are so wrong about fillers.  They don't suck.  They are the glue that holds the true elements of the park together.  If done well they also skillfully guide the eye of the viewer to the elements of the park which you are wanting them to look at.  They are absolutely necessary in every park to some degree.  I really think your looking at filler the wrong way.

    Nicely said, now where'd you go? :lol:

  • artist%s's Photo
    [font="arial"] Woah...I loved the final design, it was brilliant. The best part was watching that station load, i nearly spat my drink out when i saw that, i love peep friendly parks.

    I hope you make more little designs like this posix, they're amazing.

    btw sorry i didn't get to view this earlier, i totally forgot about it.

  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    Lol complete revival of this topic. Yes.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    How'd I miss THIS last month? :lol:

    I'll try to pull an Ed with a tome of a post, but in terms of parkmaking philosophy, there's one thing everyone needs to understand: as people play the game, they evolve from one level of thought to another, and it is these different evolutions of stages that provide the variety of styles and opinions on the game here at this site and I'm sure at others.

    You talk about building for others. You talk about putting filler in your parks. You talk about styles and reasons. And you're all right.

    It's amusing to me to read this in a way. Here I am, about to turn 21 in a little over one week, but I'm an old fogey when it comes to RCT parkmaking. So I've observed and experienced this phenomenon.

    I used to play the game the way it was meant to be played. Literally. As in the designers made scenarios for us to complete. That's the technical reason for the game. Afterwards, I started gravitating towards the implied reason of the game: to create the theme park of your dreams. After all, is that not the ultimate reason why people buy and play this game?

    I discovered the online RCT community. I was wowed by other people's works... works that humbled me greatly (until I saw a Spotlight, I'd that that my trash was wonderful). And so I started striving towards that sort of greatness.

    My path was logical. I looked at parks, took aspects that I liked, and tried to recreate them. I took elements and ideas that seemed exciting and applied them to my park. I built because I wanted recognition. I wanted fame. I wanted to be just like the Dan Mac's, the SA's, the Schuessler's, the Duke02's, the Busters, and more.

    But in the execution of these parks, I often found a point, often near the end, where I wanted to just finish. And so less thought went into these filler areas. I'd put in trees just so it wasn't plain grass. I'd add flowers. More paths. More water.

    It took years before I truly developed my style into something unique AND I developed my mindset into something a little more profound than just desire for fame. And even today, I still desire recognition. Fame is cool. I'd be a liar if I said I built 100% for myself. Because I do like it when people say my stuff is awesome. And I'm a perfectionist. As cartoony as it sounds, I'd like to be "the best parkmaker ever." And tho I doubt I'll ever get quite there, it's something I strive for, because it's a goal that will allow me to continue to be productive in some form.

    Today, I build worlds. RCT is my medium to communicate my ideas for parks, myths, stories, and worlds. Architecture has had a stylistic influence: my parks feature a lot of buildings, often connected to each other, and I very much define my parks through the space carved by my masses. But it still serves my artistic desire to portray something from my imagination.

    I'm probably tooting my own horn a bit, but I do feel that I've been through the RCT growth process that every great parkmaker experiences and every parkmaker period goes through, at least in part. This isn't a refined list, but there are certain stages that I've noticed from every player. People go from admirer to copycat to fame-seeker to reputation confirmer to accomplished pro to out-of-the-box artist. They admire the greats the game and want to be like them. Then they try to copy them as they struggle to find their own style. Some actually break through and create something technically beautiful and then strive to maintain their reputation and prove that it wasn't a fluke. Some of those do repeat hits and continue to grow. And then a few.... a very select few... like Mala or Ed or Nate or posix, just to list the most prominent examples... elevate beyond that and try to push the limits of the game.

    And it doesn't always work. But what makes these people special is that they push forwards nevertheless.

    But you see... most of the people here are in the "fame-seeker" or "reputation confirmer" stage. And the first monicker isn't really appropriate because I'm sure not everyone at that skill level builds just to get fame, but I'm talking about the people who are "good" but don't do anything that astounds yet. They make stuff that looks good, but it's similar to parkmaker works. Anyway, most people at that level have not reached the higher planes of thinking. And perhaps they don't want to. But they do not have the capability (at least not yet) to think that far into the game to make everything matter. They're like amateur writers that my tell a good story, but their plots still need a lot of revision and tightening up to tie up loose ends.

    Therefore, in a way, what posix so frequently laments isn't really something that can or should be lamented. They can't help it. This sounds really harsh, as though I'm being condescending myself, but that's not my intent. It's like being ignorant, which is different from being stupid. Ignorance is simply not having a chance to know. The ignorant cannot be faulted. A person might not know that you do NOT run out of a buildign DURING an earthquake... and so he does and is killed by falling rubble. Not his fault if he never was taught that. (Stupidity, on the other hand, is knowing something but ignoring it or forgetting it... which is why I have no qualms blasting STUPID people).

    Very, very few people are at the level of philosophizing about the game that posix, Ed, and a few others are at.

    So to the people at the top... don't fret about the masses not "getting it." That's just the way things work. It's how the game works; it's how society works. Popular media vs substantial media. Anne Rice vs Toni Morrison.

    I guess I kinda failed at the whole "don't be like Ed" part, eh? But I thought I'd chip in. ;) I love discussions like these.