Park / [H2H6] Hurricanes - Zombieland


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  • XCars%s's Photo
    Fuck Nin... I think they ment to say Fuck, Nin. Two wonderful park and Zombieland is one of my favorite movies but...

    My vote goes to: Sea of Sagas
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    Wow, so great and so early on.

    I haven't seen Zombieland, but I thoroughly enjoyed this park. The Intamin was epic, spot on. Love the Zombie peep scenery, and there were some great touches in there. The GCI wasn't bad, nothing too memorable honestly. The theater was nice too. I wish all of the staff had been named, just one of those things I love about parks.

    Sea of Sagas was kind of amazing. Where Zombieland lacked in atmosphere and depth, this made up for it x2. Seriously amazing atmosphere. The Eurofighter had a great layout, very fun to watch mingle with the surrounding area. The invert(what was it, Papsmear?) also had a great layout, even better than the Eurofighter. The little touches everywhere really sold it for me. Great job, guys.

    Vote: Replacements

    All this epicness in Round 1 Match 1. Sheeeeit.
  • Corkscrewy%s's Photo
    I'm speechless... after viewing each park for a good 20 minutes each I'm going to have the say the Replacements have my vote. Don't get me wrong.. zombieland was amazing just with the details, I think I spent 10 minutes just looking at frozen staff members and all of the killing. and not to mention the names were just great on everything and all the staff. found myself laughing quite a bit. But the Replacements just fucking killed it... soooo much going on it's unbelievable. the boats are probably the best looking ones i've ever seen in the game. the details are amazing. basically everything Liam said.. but i also liked the smokers gay lover.. I love when there's humor in parks. overall.. one of the most creative parks I've seen in a long time.. and its just fucking round 1.... my summer is going to be awesome watching this...
  • Wanted%s's Photo
    Well here goes nothing...

    First let me say - these are two outstanding, well thought-out parks that would have won many rounds of H2H in the past with ease. However, there can only be one winner. Without further adieu here is my review of the two parks followed by a brief statement why I ultimately picked who I picked.

    Things I loved
    + Zombie Hunt - Layout, supports, trackwork
    + Bugout! - Execution, colors, supportwork
    + Signs throughout the park - Scare Zone, ***Zombie Kills of the Week***
    + Zombie Kills of the Week - Beautiful work here, the gun execution on the sign, piano, etc
    + Blood and zombies throughout the park - The little things (ironic eh?) like this add to the park's atmosphere that makes the peep experience enjoyable
    + The Outbreak building (the umbrellas out front are a nice touch), Twinkies building, Z building
    + Michael Jackson's Thriller
    + Zombieland 2 Tours - Boom guy, Wichita, Gas'N'Go, Movie Production, etc
    + Signs referring to the main character's rules - The Little Things, Beware of Bathrooms, etc
    + Undead Station - Nice to look at
    + Colorful vibe given off by the rides and the balloons (more little things that add to the atmosphere)

    Nitpicking time
    - Lack of Bill Murray's mansion / poorly executed
    - Blast Off - Poorly executed IMO, lack of swarm of zombies below
    - Zombie Hunt Station - Seemed like lazy execution compared to the rest of the park
    - Few poorly executed signs - Bugout (nearly unreadable without close examination), P A C I F I C P L AYLAND
    - Gray Pathing - Maybe a few different shades of gray/black could have been thrown in, because I know parks like this always have gray pathing, just makes the experience for us viewers slightly dull after 30 minutes of gray

    Sea of Sagas
    Things I loved
    + Beautiful entrance
    + Pathing choices throughout the park
    + Ships in the water - perfectly executed
    + Fafnir - Dragon Flight - Outstanding in every way
    + Overall Architecture throughout the whole park - nearly perfect
    + Multiple uniquely themed areas
    + Captain Stranded's Ship Restaurant
    + ATMOSPHERE - Blew my mind here, imagine being there, what an experience
    + Buildings covering the area near Fafnir's final corkscrew
    + Bridge over Voyage to Vinland (near the end of the layout)
    + Voyage to Vinland - the pond before the lift, the drop, the sea monster, etc
    + Stortebeker's Crew - Layout, area, drop, architecture, queue, perfection

    Nitpicking time
    - Expedition: Geysir - felt random and unneccesary
    - Castle above Quest for the Andvarnanaut seemed a bit weak when compared to the rest of the park

    In conclusion, I vote for THE REPLACEMENTS - SEA OF SAGAS.

    Well done both teams. In the end I had to vote for Sea of Sagas because it was executed nearly flawlessly (I had to DIG DEEP to find the two "flaws" in the park). The atmosphere in this park is rivaled by few (if any). I literally am dying to visit this park in real life. Perfectly executed theme park. Breathtaking in every way. Congrats to the builders - it's match ONE of week ONE and you have left me speechless. :mantis:
  • Psi%s's Photo
    I spent a lot of time looking at the two..
    I really loved Zombieland, all the details, and the Zombie Hunt layout, plus the gci, were very nice. Michael Jackson, Bill Murray, it was great. Everything was ridiculous fun to view, plus BugOut had great supports and colors.

    Sea of Sagas had great atmosphere, felt so alive. The ships were done excellently, and Fafnir - Dragon Flight had such flow. All the coasters really flowed, and interacted excellently with the landscape.

    Vote: Zombieland
  • Nokia%s's Photo
    sea of sagas
  • 10ryansmith%s's Photo
    I agree with everything that Wanted said. Both were great parks but with Sea of Sagas being the better of the two. I vote Sea of Sagas.

    Cant wait for what is to come.
  • dr dirt%s's Photo
    zombieland for me
  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo
    Both excellent and impressive parks with an excellent amount of detail, but one stood out with absolutely stunning detail and atmosphere.

    Seas of Sagas - Replacements

    Well done. Absolutely well done.
  • Maverix%s's Photo
    Sea of Sagas

    Ho-ly Fuck...
  • 6000000flags%s's Photo
    I lurked for H2H5 and it was the greatest days of RCT2 (not to mention moon base gamma gamma, SWS, and xlapak) but H2H6 is pushing the limits already.

    I laughed as soon as I saw the title, and I knew we were in for a hilarious time. Zombieland is a hilarious movie and I recommend everyone watch it or at least the trailers. My favorite part, The Rules, were reproduced amazingly. Of course, parks will always be posting improved versions of the newest rides, and the Cheetah Hunt from Hell is pretty cool. All the rides from the movie were recreated well (but I did not like the mouse coaster, it seemed too spread out). The murders take RCT2 to violence not seen since Mr Bones' Wild Ride and poke fun at nin's crew in a hilarious way. I'm mixed on the backlot, it seems a bit too cramped but at the same time sparse, although I'm just nitpicking, the facades in it were awesome. I foresee the dead-peeps scenery being used in horror parks quite a bit.

    If you download this... Look at the staff list and see how The Replacements get slaughtered.

    Sea of Sagas
    Now, having seen Zombieland, I had the impression that Hurricanes would coast through this. nin is showing that his team should not be ignored. We open with an entrance, bayfront, and town plaza that has the cramped yet finely detailed touch of Dutch parkmakers, used to stunning effect. Every building has a unique feel and it does not feel formulaic one bit! Moving CW around the lake, we find a good touch in the show placed on a boat and one of the best Eurofighters out there. Just because this is crammed into a corner does not make it a bad layout, in face that's what makes it an incredible layout. The best little touch of them all in the town is the line for this ride going thorugh a balcony. Moving on, we see what looks like a generic castle and a Brazilian favela, but the readme will clue you in to what's under the castle, a fantastic hidden wonder that not enough people will see. The minetrain is an excellent kiddie coaster as well. A shot tower themed after a geyser seems slightly out of place (again, nitpicking.)

    There's one part left, and it could just be the best yet! Three words would describe this invert: Nemesis on steroids. Everything about this coaster just works! The terrain is second to none on this ride. And I'd be remiss if I left out a great raft ride sitting a few feet over from it. This park has "best of h2h6" written on it already, and it's the first round? Don't ignore the Replacements!

    If you download this... Look at it from all angles. This isn't a suggestion, it's a requirement.

    Vote: Replacements
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    Argggg... My RCT2 refuses to open the Replacements park at the moment.... Keep getting Invalid Data... Going to reinstall RCT2 later... It's going to have to be good to beet Zombieland though :)
  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo
    This seems very much a battle of different styles. The spread out smooth textureless style of Zombieland versus the highly texturized, crowded style of Sea of Sagas. I love the details put into Zombieland, with the zombie all over the place, the fun rides, maybe one of the best studio tour rides ever. But my problem was the spread-out ness. While there was so much there, and so many amazing details, it felt sooo much smaller compared to Sea of Sagas. that also worked against the atmosphere. An amazing park, congrats to the makers.

    Sea of Sagas, on the other hand, was amazingly dense and amazingly details, in a way that made it feel expansive yet intimate. The rides were all very good, though i think the coaster of this matchup is Zombie-hunt (though i hate the bulkyness of the track). The real winner for me was the Atmosphere. Sea of Sagas dripped with atmosphere. Had Zombieland been more compacted it would have helped, but the size, details, and interactions in Sea of Sagas was just top notch. Though the peeps walking through stuff drives me crazy. and whoever said verticle coasters doing that horrendous barrel roll thing was okay was wrong, it looks terrible...anywho, congrats on a fantastic park.

    wow...i didn't mean to write much...


    VOTE: Sea of Sagas

  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
  • Whitehawk%s's Photo
    Sea of Sagas, hands fucking down.
  • trav%s's Photo
    Pffft, killed by a fucking shovel.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    For now, I will have to go against H2H5 solidarity.
    Replacements it is.
    Gonna take a REALLY close look at both parks again tomorrow, though.
  • MorganFan%s's Photo
    The Replacements
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    I think we should have used something more powerful than a bowling ball on 5Dave...
  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    We shouldof had Emma and Woody suck the rct talent out of him ghostbuster style.