Park / Worlds of Tim Burton


  • J K%s's Photo
    I agree it was messy and busy in some spots but we wanted to create World's of Tim Burton. This park was a semi realist concept of dense themed worlds with a realist slant being the coasters.

    I think we achieved something pretty decent and we put our all into this park. Its nice to hear a different opinion though and I'm glad you finally got round to checking this out.
  • robbie92%s's Photo
    LOL. Saw that this topic had activity and I got excited...

    Jonny explained it all. This park took me out of my comfort zone with the crowdedness, but this wasn't meant to be just another movie park. The crowdedness was appropriate in some of the areas, while in others, it was neccesary. Looking back on it today, it's not as amazing as I thought it was after we had just finished, but I'm still very proud of it.
  • J K%s's Photo

    Looking back on it today, it's not as amazing as I thought it was after we had just finished, but I'm still very proud of it.

    Now come on, for the time restraints and the pressure we pulled off 2nd in the grand scheme of h2h. If we had more time sure I'm sure it would have been a lot better as we always knew we could fill a much bigger map but they were the constraints the contest gave us. I still love the park but its just a stepping stone to more great parks.
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    IMO the sytle which this park achieved is my personal favourite that i strive for in my parks. The crowdedness of it can be a bit annoying, not be able to see all the buildings details and so on, but really if you put yourself in the peeps shows it would be like walking down New Yory, with buildings on both sides of you. Personally this is one of the better parks on this site.

    Ahh who cares about that, lol, what a waist of time.
  • robbie92%s's Photo
    ^^Oh, I love your's and dirt's work. I just know I can do way better now.
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo
    Just looking through the history threads, and I needed to say that while this park is TECHNICALLY a great park, the fact that there isn't an Ed Wood themed area makes it the worst in RCT history. For shame gentlemen, for shame.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    Yet, it was done in time.
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo
    Actually, now that I think about it, there are no parks with Ed Wood areas, so this gets a pass. For now.
  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    This park i feel tells the Hurricanes narrative better than any H2H park would. Forfeit wins finals? Yep. A clusterfuck of things that somehow works out? Although I haven't watched Tim Burton's entire filmography, I think the park is good enough to stand on its own without knowing the source material, or at least should be.

    Ride design was great and led to some really good setpieces. Robbie's and dirt's contributions really made this park great. Really the only thing that keeps this park from being in the higher echelon of H2H parks is terrible readability and some minor inconsistencies in quality over areas. The Edward Scissorhands and the Nightmare Before Christmas areas were clearly the best in the park, and if the rest was as great I would score an 85, but as a whole I'm torn between 75 and 80.