Park / Monsters of the Underworld


  • geewhzz%s's Photo

    Monsters of the Underworld Logo

    Sometimes, all it takes is a little break from the game to bring a parkmaker back into his stride. hulkpower25, a former member of RCT Innovations and a prominent member of RCT Station, recently returned back to the modern age of RCT with a bronze release, Marvel Xtreme Action City, his sole release after Archicon, RCT Fusion's massive group project. Four months later, he is here to offer another Bronze release, Monsters of the Underworld. | Read On...

  • Levis%s's Photo
    doesn't look bad from the overview
    to bad it uses WW.
    also it looks like you had planned more in the park because of the large filler area.

    Edit: thing theres a tag open somewhere, cause my post shouldn't be italic
  • robbie92%s's Photo
    I wrote the write-up, and I thought thi was a nice little park. I'm not the biggest fan of your style, but it's still commendable to finsh something, so good job w/ that.
  • zburns999%s's Photo
    Wish I could see this. From the overview it actually looks really nice. You deffinitely make some unique coasters, there's no doubt about that.
  • zburns999%s's Photo
    Is there any way this can be de-WW-ized? It's a shame that nobody can really view an accolade-winning park.
  • JoeZia%s's Photo
    i have but one complaint, and that is the aqua colored vertical coaster. the catwalk looks horrible, why not use a wooden coaster track for it like you did with some other rides?

    what looked like an attempt to make the loch ness monster was a fail, either make an object of its head/tail, or just dont make it at all.

    then, there's a weird thing goin on with that coaster's track. two glitchy white pieces. if you had an error trapper when trying to remove that, cant you just use map object manipulation? it worked for me when removing "glitchy white" hot wheels scenery, coasters shouldn't be different i presume.

    other than that its flawless, nice work, and a job well done! sorry about the bitching at your park a while back, the screens wouldnt show for some reason, and i honestly thought the park would resemble my version of hell a little more. turns out it didnt at all. my park wants to suck your park's dick, tell him that MOTU is taken by angelina jolie, so he'll leave me alone. :nod:

    Edited by JoeZia, 13 March 2010 - 12:46 PM.

  • hulkpower25%s's Photo
    JoeZia--thanks for the comments, i try my best next time.