why are your coaster colors always the same as the colors in that area? don't be afraid to use more vibrant, different colors to really make them stand out? like magenta track and medium brown supports would look nice
I often prefer to have a complete picture and I dont want the coaster to stand out. I want it to blend in to the surrounding. At least I want that in this theme.
I like to colour the tracks into the surrounding, then give the trains some stark looking colours. It'll give more a sense of the train flying through the scenery.
I've always liked this.
why are your coaster colors always the same as the colors in that area? don't be afraid to use more vibrant, different colors to really make them stand out? like magenta track and medium brown supports would look nice
^Do you mean Ningenta? Looks solid. 8/10 would bang.
I don't think nin gets to own a color
I like magenta too
I often prefer to have a complete picture and I dont want the coaster to stand out. I want it to blend in to the surrounding. At least I want that in this theme.
My favorite screen from this project. Love the uniform colors. Don't change a thing.
I like to colour the tracks into the surrounding, then give the trains some stark looking colours. It'll give more a sense of the train flying through the scenery.
If Nin gets Ningenta, then I call dibs on Majorange.
I love that the coaster colours blend it, makes the screen more visually appealing.
I think ningenta sounds like a great color. Use more please.
...no, but really this is my favorite screen of yours ever. I like that everything blends together.
I really like the coaster supports and colors, they almost look like wooden timbers or construction and that's really cool.