RCT Discussion / Apreciation Thread

  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Making the drop shorter?! :0 You can't do that! That changes the whole coaster! That's like colorizing black and white movies. You just don't mess with that. For shame Six Flags. For shame. I thought trim brakes and unneccesary OTSR were bad enough.
  • Blitz%s's Photo

    Making the drop shorter?!  :0  You can't do that! That changes the whole coaster! That's like colorizing black and white movies. You just don't mess with that. For shame Six Flags. For shame. I thought trim brakes and unneccesary OTSR were bad enough.

    tis a sad day =(

    and only you would make that reference you film person thing!!
  • Evil WME%s's Photo

    O-Looks like Buster. I think the mine themes are to increase the excitement. I think I remember that being one of those 'hidden tricks' that Buster one day revealed.


    "hidden tricks" as i remember them;

    water around the coaster adds around 0.2 X.
    theming adds quite a lot, gotta get that to its maximum, doesn't matter where its at, i thought.
    a synch station, even fake, adds 0.4 X.
    paths around the coaster add a lot of X.
    2-3 tunnels add excitement, even more so on minetrains.. (underground is less exciting then above ground)
    and............. "try to use all the elements, like an s-bend" i think was one of his tips for creating high x coasters.

    Nothing about the hidden effects of mine theming though, i definitely don't remember that. =P.
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    haha, i remember all of those ^_^

    Also, Theming actually works in proximity (per square), but I don't how the breakdown goes. Anything outside of distance is what doesn't affect it. Proximity applies to paths as well. Also, a path below ground for some reason affects excitement more than one above... or was it the other way around? I forget...
  • VC15SA%s's Photo

    Making the drop shorter?!  :0  You can't do that! That changes the whole coaster! That's like colorizing black and white movies. You just don't mess with that. For shame Six Flags. For shame. I thought trim brakes and unneccesary OTSR were bad enough.

    Indeed. What was once a 166 foot drop, is now a 124 foot drop. They took off 42 feet!!! 8@
  • Junya Boy%s's Photo

    Theming actually works in proximity (per square), but I don't how the breakdown goes.  Anything outside of distance is what doesn't affect it.  Proximity applies to paths as well.

    i believe it is 5 tiles alongside the track/parts of a ride.

    and as far as ruining rides, they do that all the time. the put brakes on the hills/bunny hops on the raging bull to keep it from speeding a couple of years ago. it used to be so much fun zooming over the hills...
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    yeah SF are well known for ruining rides. Look at revolution at SFMM for a prime example.
  • Scorchio%s's Photo

    Just like suspended coasters are more like simulators unless you sit in front, or at least on the sides.

    Uhhh, isn't it impossible NOT to sit on the sides of a suspended?
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    I think he meant inverted.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    ^That would be my guess to. Inverted. Only been on the newer Beemas then? Raptor is INTENSE no matter where you sit.


    And Junya, I was about to mention that. I seriously think Raging Bull would be a contender for my favorite coaster period if those brakes weren't there. As it is only the 1st drop in the back delivers the way its meant to.

    American Eagle at SMGAmer is also ruined by brakes because they don't feel like expending the money it takes to keep the track in decent shape, which is odd since Viper is maintained pretty well at least from the riding standpoint... Then again even Cedar Fair ruins woodies, just look at Mean Streak... I'll be riding my beloved Shivering Timbers here in a couple weeks and I'll have to report back on if it's been ruined or not too. :'(

  • Phatage%s's Photo
    All parks aim to satisfy the bulk public, they don't do it just to annoy enthusiasts. The brakes on those rides although bad for us are there by the majority rule over us.
  • penguinBOB%s's Photo
    Bastard Parks... At least we can take something away from the fact that the coaster companies thought about us first.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    The helix on Goliath is QUITE intense.
  • Micool%s's Photo
    right. inverted.

    luckily you all knew what i meant.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo

    All parks aim to satisfy the bulk public, they don't do it just to annoy enthusiasts.  The brakes on those rides although bad for us are there by the majority rule over us.

    I don't know if that's neccesarily true. Certainly parks are out to satisfy the bulk public, not coaster enthusiasts. Especially Six Flags. I agree with that. But I don't think that really explains why there are OTSR restraints on Revolution for example or trim brakes of death on half their rides. I think the bulk public in most cases wouldn't notice any difference in the ride if those things were removed or maybe they'd be pleasantly surprised that Revolution is a much better ride with a lap bar instead of ear-raping OTSR head bangers. It's more an issue of perceived safety than anything else. Which I guess you can say it means they're just being responsible because it definately is in their best interest to prevent accidents of any kind. If the park is percieved to be unsafe, than nobody will ride their coasters and that's definately bad for business.

    But anyway, I see your point. I'm complaining about that stuff from the perspective of a ride enthusiast obviously and in most cases, the park is making those changes just to improve the safety of the rides. If those rides were as well designed as a B&M coaster, then they wouldn't need to make those changes but unfortunately, they didn't always have computers to assist in the engineering and they didn't always have the same safety standards that they do now. Changing a first drop though seems to go beyond simply altering the speed with trim brakes or putting on different restraint systems. On a traditional gravity coaster (ie lift hill, big drop, smaller drops, station) the first drop is what determines the quality of the rest of the ride. It basically is the ride because it determines how hight the other drops can be and how much speed the coaster will have over each part of the course. To make a change like that, I would hope they had a very good reason. But then it's mostly just me bitching for the sake of bitching because I'm never going to ride it anyway. :D
  • cg?%s's Photo

    If those rides were as well designed as a B&M coaster, then they wouldn't need to make those changes...

    WRONG! There have been multiple butchered B&Ms, including Montu at my beloved BGT. Sad, isn't it? :(
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    whos perfect?
  • cg?%s's Photo

    whos perfect?

  • egg_head%s's Photo

    whos perfect?


    lol ;)X
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Well relatively speaking, newer coasters don't need 'adjustments' as often as older ones do. I can't believe they would butcher Montu though. That's terrible. I guess they'll butcher anything one it's at least five years old.


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