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  • sfgadv02%s's Photo
    Not bad, everything seems to fit in nicely. The first screen is really nice, though.
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Thank you for commentig !
    I think I'm not that far away from completing the park as it will look like at the opening day.
    And there is one addition to the attraction list - the park will have a monorail to which will go around the whole park I think. But this is not comfirmed yet.
  • elby%s's Photo
    respekt junge, du wirst immer besser!
  • Genius638%s's Photo
    I like it. your park layout looks good
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Naja, in den letzten Monaten habe ich mich eigentlich eher weniger gesteigert. Zum Beispiel Norwegen hab ich während meines Ski-Urlaubs gebaut, der im Dezember war.^^
    Thanks but I think you have seen nearly nothing of the park layout even if you already have seen Norway.
  • Faceman%s's Photo
    1a Kleiner ;)
    Du bist wohl der einzigste, der an Beagle ran kommt bzw. mitlerweile auf seinem Niveau baut.
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Herzlichen Dank! =)
    Nunja, ich wäre wohl nicht so weit, wie heute, hätte ich nicht damals dauernd deine Parks geladen und dadurch Objekte gekriegt.^^
    Ohne die ganzen Objekte hätte ich das Game schon längst aufgegeben. lol
    Also, ist auch indirekt dein Verdienst! :D

    Edited by Fisch, 27 March 2007 - 01:52 PM.

  • JJ%s's Photo
    I really like this, great work Fisch :)
  • Carl%s's Photo
    When I was looking at the preview of Wonderland I almost couldnt tell what was going on in that pic, but then I realised its a collage of things, very nice. Im really looking forward to that medieval area. The overview of Norway seems a little smaller than I thought it would be, but still nice and also accurate to the theme.

    Edited by ride_exchanger, 28 March 2007 - 02:02 PM.

  • Genius638%s's Photo
    from the main street to that little bridge, it has good shape. I assume the rest of your park will follow this same style
  • Fisch%s's Photo

    Yes, you're right, it's a collage.
    On the left you can see some things of the front of the indoor area.
    In the middle of the screen you can see the exit of the galaxy 3D cinema which belongs to the end of the mainstreet.
    And on the right side of the screen you can see some of the indoor theming.
    Also I know that Norway looks very small on the second picture but it's not that small at all.
    I think for a park which is going to open soon and which has got 2 themed areas and a mainstreet and some other surprises ;) it's a very big area.

    Hmm..the style of the layout of Norway is different to the style of the mainstreet's layout.^^
    But you'll see what I mean when you'll get an overview of the whole park in one of the next updates.

    Thanks everyone for commentig. Here I got the most comments in a very short period of time.^^
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    The construction work at the Wonderland progresses very well at the moment.
    We allready showed you a preview of the Wonderland and now we are able to show you a part of this beautiful themed medieval area.
    Wonderland..The place where your dreams become true..

    Enjoy it!

    Posted Image

    Edited by Fisch, 04 April 2007 - 02:55 PM.

  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Fisch, you are amazing. Such an atmosphere...
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    Very nice Fisch...

    The atmosphere is just great, and I love the textures you used but:

    1- I don't like the fences on the roof...if I were you, I'd use 1/8 blocks for bordering it.

    2- What's with those lonely shutters (brown wall)?

    Anyway, I think that the rest is very well done. Keep going.
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Thanks.. :)

    Thanks, too but I won't change those fences on the roof and the shutters aren''t used as shutters. Thea are only some deco objects!
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    Really nice building frontage Fisch. I'm looking forward to the park a lot.
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    I like the amusement park feel this park seems to have..
    The only thing that bothers me a little are those makonix wall pieces on top of the ceiling in your last screen; I would rather put some general castle wall piece there, like the one Toon (I think) made.. Looking forward to your next update!

  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Thank you both.
    Great that you like it.. and hmm, yah, maybe I'll change the walls on the roof.
    But not now because I'll go to Berlin tomorrow. :)
  • eyeamthu1%s's Photo
    The word coming up a lot is 'atmosphere' - and that's right - your screens show off a park which seems to have a ton of atmosphere, so well done for nailing that. Not only is it beautiful, it's also pretty realistic, so I'm a big fan of this project, keep it up :)
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Hah..I got the chance to get in the internet right now... :)
    Maybe you know that I'm in Berlin at the moment ( -> not at home ) and because of that I couldn`t answer till now but now I've got the chance to answer because the house where I`m at has internet.

    At first thanks to 5ave because of the fiesta topic.
    And thanks to all those who replied!

    And at least thanks to you, eyeamthu1 because of your comment.

    I`m very glad that you like it and I`ll go on with this for sure!


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