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  • Ge-Ride%s's Photo
    I say have a fountain in the statue but change it go along with the theme, because it's sort of a 'fish out of water' if you get my meaning.
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    Hmm...it reminds me to those chinese guys heh...

    I don't really know what to say...I don't think it's stupid, but I think that if that's a central statue, you should represent something like more important, but hey, that's just what I think.

    Anyway, this park is looking so nice. Looking forward to more updates.

    Keep going mate :D
  • Lloyd%s's Photo
    Yeah it just doesn't fit in, and from what you've shown so far this will be a hell of a park, no one would want something like that to drag it down.
  • Carl%s's Photo
    I salute this long overdue tribute to the peeps.
  • 5dave%s's Photo
    All the drowning, crashing, lost,...etc peeps surely need a statue :)

    @Fisch: You know my thoughts already, can't wait to see it finished :D

  • Steve%s's Photo
    it's great, but please get rid of it.
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Opening Day

    A spectacular day at a spectacular park...that's what you could have today in the Duisburger Wunderland.
    Today was the opening day of Germany's new theme park, the Duisburger Wunderland in the near of Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia.
    About 10000 visitors were in the park at the opening day to see world's first Mac watercoaster, Odyssee and other rides like the HUSS Top Spin Lancelot.
    Also there were some very popular people in the park like the "comedian" Ali G.

    Posted Image

    The visitors were able to see 3 different themed areas.
    At first there was something like a typical American mainstreet. In the mainstreet they could chose between walking at the seaside, going into a show with dolphins or visiting a 3d cinema.

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    From the mainstreet the visitors were able to go to the areas "Norway" and "The Wonderland".
    In Norway the main attraction is "Fjord Rafting" which takes you on a journey through a Norwegian "fjord" and through the whole Norwegian area.
    Also there is a dangerous boat which is controlled by the vikings. Go in and you'll see how hard the life of the vikings was because they had to be very hard when the sea was as rough as it is in the Duisburger Wunderland.
    If you are as hard as the vikings were you should take a look at "The Wonderland" and it's massive HUSS Top Spin "Lancelot".
    It's the park's only attraction that is situated in the outdoor part of "The Wonderland".
    You should better think about going in for 2times because this maybe is the parks hardest ride!

    Posted Image

    After being on Lancelot you'll maybe need something refreshing..something...yah something like Odyssee.
    Odyssee is world's first Mac Watercoaster and is the park's only rollercoaster.
    It is a sort of a water ride with a rollercoaster track. Beside it's chain lift and it's two splashs it has got one elevator (no real elevator ingame...) which takes you about 18 meters high.

    And now here is the price list for you and an overview about all the attractions:

    Attraction list:


    - Galaxy 3D [3DCinema]
    - SeaLife Stadium [simulator]

    - Seeimbis
    - Seaside Souvenirs
    - Angela's T~Shirts
    - Mainstreet Café
    - Information


    - Fjord Rafting [River Rapids]
    - Vikingar [Swinging Ship]
    - Ruderbootverleih [Boats]

    - Gunnar's Fischstand
    - Information


    - Talon [Trampoline]
    - Lancelot [Top Spin]
    - Odysse [Indoor Watercoaster]
    - Dragonir [Chute]

    - zur Drachenhöhle
    - Odysse Photoshop
    - Rittersouvernirs
    - Information

    Price list:

    adults: 13 DM
    Children: 9 DM
    Families (2 adults & 2 children): 35DM

    Children under 3 years and physically obstructed (<-?) people for free!


    Park Map

    1. Statue from behind:
    Posted Image

    2. Mainstreet:
    Posted Image

    3. Fjord Rafting:
    Posted Image

    4. roof of Wonderland:
    Posted Image

    5. Wonderland Front:
    Posted Image

    6. Info Norway:
    Posted Image

    7. Norwegian buildings:
    Posted Image

    8. Vikingar:
    Posted Image

    9. Monorailstation Norway:
    Posted Image

    10. Fjord Rafting:
    Posted Image

    11. Mainstreet:
    Posted Image

    12. River:
    Posted Image

    13. Parking Lots:
    Posted Image

    Edited by Fisch, 18 May 2007 - 11:51 PM.

  • zodiac%s's Photo
    3 words:

    HO. LY. SHIT.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    so i am really liking this norway area.
  • Fr3ak%s's Photo
    ^ I don't like it.

    I love it!
  • Faceman%s's Photo
    The norway and the wonderland area are definitive amazing!
  • Leonardofury%s's Photo
    While part of me still feels the Norway area is just a little too similar to Europa Park's Scandinavia area for my liking, I have to admit I am very impressed with the work you've done on this park. Well done and keep up the good work.
  • JDP%s's Photo
    Dude. Congrats on finishing that park. And i must say thank you for being realistic here. Because if a new park opens up people to not expect it tohave many coasters and you pulled that off well by having only one. So I like that a lot. Happy to see you finished this man...
  • Steve%s's Photo
    Fisch, if the park is totally completed, please send this to Kumba in an email. Its guarenteed atleast SRU.

    If I was in charge the Norway area alone would win spotlight, but hey, thats just me.
    Fantastic work.

    Wait, nevermind. I didn't realize you were working on this like Beagle [building in years]. In that case I expect a coaster soon.
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    - Zodiac:
    Thanks Man!

    - Tracid Edge:
    Thanks, too. :)

    - Fr3ak:
    Thanks... xD

    - Faceman:
    Thank you very much. ;D

    (this post seems to be the best I ever made)

    - Leonardofury:
    Yes, I definately keep up this work! Also thanks to you! :)

    - JDP:
    No I wasn't THAT realistic at all.
    A Mack watercoaster in 1991 is totally unrealistic. :D
    Otherwise you're right!
    And thanks! =D

    - Steve:
    Thanks, too and you're right.
    I'm building this park in different seasons.
    But I'm not doing it like Beagle I'm doing it together with Beagle so his park will be mentioned(wrong word?) in my "story", too.

    And I think there'll be a coaster in 1993. You'll here more about that in the next season.
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    This is looking amazing Fish, you are creating a very nice layout for the park man. The archy is very good and the screens show quite a pleasant atmosphere.

    Keep going!
  • JDP%s's Photo

    - JDP:
    No I wasn't THAT realistic at all.
    A Mack watercoaster in 1991 is totally unrealistic. :D
    Otherwise you're right!
    And thanks! =D

    :X lol.....opps
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Thanks RCFanB&M.
    Nice to hear that you like it!
    What about the others?
    I got more comments for the statue than for the start of the first season... :(

    Yes, I know it's very early for a Mack watercoaster
  • JJ%s's Photo
    I really, really, really, really, really love the second screen :D

    edit: woops meant 5th

    Edited by JJ, 26 May 2007 - 07:07 PM.

  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Thanks, JJ.
    I didn't even notice your post till now. :p
    But now I saw it. :)

    At the moment I'm working on season 1992 which won't have that many new things that you can see but I'm also working on 1993 and that will be a season that you won't forget that fast.
    So be prepared for every surprise this park will make and for everything I'll show!


    oh and I totally forgot to thank 5Dave for helping me out with the park map and for making this nice blue frames on the screens.

    Edited by Fisch, 26 May 2007 - 01:21 AM.


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