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  • JJ%s's Photo
    Hello people of the world. I'm here to tell you about Theme Park Tycoon. It is a game involving the game rct2. Basically you can either choose to be a Park Owner, an Attraction Company or an "Other" Company. The game is set on a time line from 1960 until 2010. A year is 2 weeks of real time. Park Owners build their parks however they can only build rides that the Attraction Companies are selling. Attraction Companies can only sell rides that have been invented at the time. Attraction companies are also required to create an original attraction. There are a large number of rules.

    You can find them here
    In the subforums for each group there are also some more rules explaining specific things so be sure to check them out too. "Other" Companies can sell anything that they wish from park benches to stadiums or Mcdonald's restaurants, their limit is endless but also there are rules there too.

    It may seem complicated at first but it is very simple. Check these 6 topics first:

    1 |2 | 3 |4 |5 |6

    And if you still have any questions then just ask. You can use this topic to sign up. Then once you've done that you can get started straight away. The reason you sign up is because Attraction companies get special permissions so they can see an attraction list that includes a list of rides and dates when you can build them. Only game defaults and some customs. Original rides you must PM the Park Director for.

    Theme Park Tycoon Only at RCTStop

    Inspired by Ultimate Tycoon @RCT-Guide.nl

    Edited by JJ, 04 October 2007 - 03:45 PM.

  • lucas92%s's Photo
    Great idea, but you should think of making the years longer, like 3 weeks or 1 month...
  • Milo%s's Photo
    ^lol no way... it would run out of steam that much faster

    but this seems like a great idea, good luck with setting it up although to be honest things like these struggle to go far (case in point: Parkwars... and that was way back in 2002)

    doesn't hurt to try though so best of luck
  • Camcorder22%s's Photo
    This seems like a great idea I think Im going to try this except I wont have much access to a computer to construct my park. But Ill try it
  • gibbsies%s's Photo
    i have a question about attraction companies, if you want to build a roller coaster for somebodys park, than do you build it on site or does it have to be built previously and saved? or either one maybe?
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    Amazing idea. Just not sure how a few things would work out, such as money.

    Also, would other companies supplying theming supply large scale theming, or individual pieces?

    And as a park owner, I'm just wondering how much freedom you have in coaster design, architecture, and park layout..
  • hobbes%s's Photo
    I'll do it.
    Lemme read the rules a bit later.
  • JJ%s's Photo

    i have a question about attraction companies, if you want to build a roller coaster for somebodys park, than do you build it on site or does it have to be built previously and saved? or either one maybe?

    You can predesign rollercoasters or whatever, or sell custom layouts. If the person can build it then they should if they can't then you should...

    Amazing idea. Just not sure how a few things would work out, such as money.

    Also, would other companies supplying theming supply large scale theming, or individual pieces?

    And as a park owner, I'm just wondering how much freedom you have in coaster design, architecture, and park layout..

    1. Money is only for realism purposes. Basically when you start a business you don't have a lot of money, so you can't really build a lot from the beginning.

    2, Companies that supply theming can do either it's up to them.

    3. You have complete control over all of that. Some attraction companies may only sell standard layout's where as others may sell their rides per metre giving you the control over the design. The only limitation to architecture and park layout is that is must apply to the time for example you couldn't have extravagant towers and really intense and tight theming as that just didn't happen back then... So architecturally wise in the earlier years, things should be simpler and have a more classic form.
  • gibbsies%s's Photo
    oh and, would the attraction company add architecture, and scenery to their coasters and rides, or is that someone elses problem, or does it matter
  • JJ%s's Photo
    That is someone else's problem ;)
    The Park Owner can theme it or you could cooperate with a theming company if there was one and they could pre-theme your rides for you.
  • gibbsies%s's Photo
    sweet sounds cool
  • Milo%s's Photo
    The more I read the cooler this seems but there are a couple issues that are bugging me...

    The whole money thing seems weird to me... does everyone start off with a same amount and it goes from there or what? Nothing definate is mentioned which seems odd to me... I mean "don't build too much at the start" is mentioned but define 'too much'

    Can multiple people form a company and can there be mergers/contracts with parks and other companies?

    What exactly is the function of companies besides selling stuff... what do you hope to gain... is having the most profitable company a side goal of this or what?

    And back to money, how is it made exactly for parks... is it with peeps or just based on what's there or what? Same goes to companies... do they ever lose money on research or do they just gain money from rides they sell?
  • JJ%s's Photo

    The more I read the cooler this seems but there are a couple issues that are bugging me...

    The whole money thing seems weird to me... does everyone start off with a same amount and it goes from there or what? Nothing definate is mentioned which seems odd to me... I mean "don't build too much at the start" is mentioned but define 'too much'

    Basically you just need to use common sense for example a theme park would probably not be able to open with 10 rides straight away(unless it's part of a chain) As you would not have sufficient funds. Money is just for realism and nothing more.

    Can multiple people form a company and can there be mergers/contracts with parks and other companies?

    Yes of course :)

    What exactly is the function of companies besides selling stuff... what do you hope to gain... is having the most profitable company a side goal of this or what?

    What do you hope to gain? Fun, that is the main aim of this. Selling stuff is important because the parks cannot build rides without you selling them...

    And back to money, how is it made exactly for parks... is it with peeps or just based on what's there or what? Same goes to companies... do they ever lose money on research or do they just gain money from rides they sell?

    Money is just for realism sake as said. It's just about using common sense, a theme park could not suddenly build the tallest rollercoaster in it's second year as it wouldn't have had enough visitors normally. You'll have unlimited money in game with the peeps... But it's just common sense mostly... Money doesn't REALLY exist...

    If you'd rather have physical amount of money... Then I could see what I could do but other than a cash mod I can't think of another way. A Cash mod however would generally apply to the whole forums when the money would just be for this and those that aren't involved probably won't want to have random cash next to their name...

    Edited by JJ, 21 August 2007 - 06:57 PM.

  • Milo%s's Photo
    Yeah I dunno... I was just confused by it all. It's probably just me but the freeform way money is treated in this just doesn't click with me. You might as well remove it and just say use common sense... or put limits on rides or something (just say 1 coaster for your first few years... 10 flats... only a few new buildings, etc.) because the lack of any real set exchange in money is confusing... especially since companies have to charge reasonable amounts for rides when there really isn't any money.

    Basicaly what I'm saying is that of course people are going to say they made enough money to buy all kinds of things every new year even with common sense because who wants to imagine they can't improve their park when they can just as easily imagine they made all the money they need? It'd probably be a lot better to just drop the whole money for realism's sake and just go with some limitations on things for the first few years (based on as you say, common sense) and then as you get into a decade or so you could make a coaster or two a year with lots of theming.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    I'll see how it works in the dutch version tomorrow ;)
  • Comet%s's Photo
    Yeah...OLE has kinda gotta point.
    Parks should only have a certain amount of money to spend.
    I just don't know any way for them to earn an income.
  • Camcorder22%s's Photo
    Maybe you should give awards for most realistic rides and best use of money and stuff like that to encourage people to make it realistic and use money realisticly
  • lucas92%s's Photo

    Maybe you should give awards for most realistic rides and best use of money and stuff like that to encourage people to make it realistic and use money realisticly

    I completly agree, awards as there was in Parkwars would be amazing (Highest coaster, fastest coaster, realism...)
  • Milo%s's Photo
    Yeah that's a good idea and makes it even more realistic since record breaking rides are well known and could give bonuses to parks and something. (don't think it would quite be enough to reenforce the money system though)

    Along that line the only system I can think of at the moment for income is to give money at the end of each season to each park based on what rides and possibly attractions/shows they have their at that time (maybe a money bot would work best but in a pinch we could just use rct money)... so like a few grand for flats, maybe a few hundred grand for coasters or something. And like I said awards could give bonus cash and stuff. It would be a pretty quick and dirty way of doing things but it works I think. The parks that get the most stuff in there fastest get money faster and so you have to be quick out of the gate to get past the competition and make smart ride addition choices. Since this is for fun I don't think any penalties for age are needed or anything like that.

    So pretty much what happens is everyone starts off with their bench and $500,000-$1,000,000 and the companies are offering their rides and stuff. They can use that money (if it's rct money to build) whatever other stuff on their bench (path layouts, ticket buildings, whatever else) and then buy all their rides from companies and extra themeing if they want to pay for it. At the end of the first year whatever you bought is tallied up and you are given the money you earned. Then it goes to the next year and the whole thing is repeated each year.

    And an extra little thing is that if you want to sell a flat for scrap for extra money or maybe a coaster for scrap or to another park that's an extra way to make money.
  • JJ%s's Photo

    Maybe you should give awards for most realistic rides and best use of money and stuff like that to encourage people to make it realistic and use money realisticly

    Yeah there will be awards at some point. Maybe every 10 or 20 years.


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