(Archive) Advertising District / TPT

  • JJ%s's Photo
    What about limiting what people can purchase in total by years. Right now there is a limit on the most expensive attraction they can buy up. In year 1, 3, 5 and 10. What about a maximum they can spend on attractions in the first year? And then the limit they can spend on each year after that would be less, but the money rolls over to the next year if they do not spend it, so they can save up for a much larger ride?

    The thing is though most people don't want this... It seems like only you and Lloyd do. Perhaps I'll set a poll up...

    edit: http://rctstop.com/f...topic=1553&st=0

    Edited by JJ, 23 August 2007 - 11:19 AM.

  • nin%s's Photo
    I was wondering if we will be able to have more parks as time goes on, and if so, will we be able to put parks up for sale and buy other parks, like real companies do?
  • JJ%s's Photo
    You can have a maximum of two companies/parks. Any combination. Two Parks /A Park and Attraction company, or whatever.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Currently there is an opening for an attraction company!
    It's first come first served and you can sign up here.

    Edit; Too Slow someone's taken it :lol:

    Edited by JJ, 15 September 2007 - 02:25 PM.

  • Levis%s's Photo
    damned JJ do you know I hate you ... I wanted to start something like this after the PT for builders from every site (dutch, german, english, american etc :p ).... well maybe this is done already by than :p .
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Well you can help out with this if you really want to :p
  • Levis%s's Photo

    Well you can help out with this if you really want to :p

    found another purpose for my spare time (see PT3 topic)
  • Sparks%s's Photo
    hay guys buy ridez frm me Jepsa Dynamics

    *shot* :p

    Edited by Sparks, 29 September 2007 - 09:36 PM.

  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    would i be able to start an attraction company in the late eighties?
  • zodiac%s's Photo
    ^Seeing as the limit is seven attraction companies at once, it would all depend on whether or not a spot is open at the time, since we have seven right now.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Maximum of 8 right now. Until we get more parks, we have very few park owners right now and still more attraction companies. When we've got at least 10 parks going, then i'll probably open another spot for attraction company. And the 80's is a long way away, so you probably will be able to.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Once again people are dropping out of attraction companies with no reason to do so except they can't be bothered to spend 20 minutes doing something and normally even less every 2 weeks....
    It's really frustrating me, all these attraction companies dropping out cos they can't handle the pressure and are too lazy. I mean what does it take?

    But... Yes another place is available... Sign up for it here
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
  • JJ%s's Photo

    RCTStop is going up for sale. If the person purchasing the site chooses to change from a RCT site to a business/personal use. Then TPT will be looking for a new home... Hopefully on an existing site if possible...


    You can find purchasing information here.
  • Comet%s's Photo
    If you start getting desperate, we'll most likely be able to find a spot for at Theme Park Village...I just can't guarantee you a cash mod.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    But from the looks of things... The people who are thinking of buying will keep it rct anyways so it shouldn't be a problem. I hope :p
  • Fr3ak%s's Photo
    I could sponsore you a server ... interested?
    250mb webspace and a traffic limit of 20gbs
    But I don't know how to install a forum
    Contact me and we can talk about it.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    It's fine for now ;)

    RCTStop will probably be staying ;)
  • JJ%s's Photo
    TPT has moved to rcttown.com/forum as RCTStop has been confirmed as closing


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